Moving again. It's good, though. It's like a practice for next week when I leave here pretty permanently. Idk whether I'm actually okay with it or I've just tricked myself into thinking I am. I guess we'll see. It's not like I'm never coming back.
In other news: I don't know whether it's more worrying that I haven't heard from Stewart, or that I don't think I actually care that I haven't.
I'm kind of sort of maybe scared that apathy is becoming my new addiction.
Anyway bbs, is meme tiem again (stoled from
One little compliment can make you feel amazing. So give me a compliment, anything in the entire world, even that my shoelaces are pretty. Put this in your journal. And once you get some comments, put that entry in a memory or tag and when you are feeling down, just go to that entry and this will remind how great you are.