Title: Breaking Habits (you don't want to know) - 17
minus_fourRating: PG-13 (language, content)
Pairing: William Beckett/Ryan Ross and William Beckett/Gabe Saporta
POV: Third
Summary: William's fighting his demons in rehab. All too familiar with the path of self destruction drugs and alcohol can lead to, Ryan visits him (like, a lot). And then Gabe
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Comments 38
i want everything to be happy!!! But it's getting there, YAY!!!
I love this Gabe now, he's finally being nice!
yay snuggles!
Also, *steals Ryan and Brendon and puts them in priestfic* hehehe. >.
It is... gradually. \o/
ikr? He was silly Gabanti before but he's learning just like Billiam :)
Also, hush you :P Priestfic is next I promise <3
hehe... Papi Gabe is still my favorite, though.
YAY!!!! Priestfic makes me happy!
maybe you should do a Lost Chapter from this, and write about Ryan assulting Brendon on the piano and Brendon not really minding. hahah!
Forgive me, i just had a large coffee. *is HYPER!!!* hehe... yeah
haha mine too tbh :)
Yeah, me too usually. Not lately though :/
lol mayyyyyybe ;)
Yay caffeine! <3
Only one more chapter? NOOOOOOO!!!!!! But at least then I can just put in all in mems
I have so much love for this and you bb, it's always made of win.
Um... yeah. Yes you can :)
Thanks for the love bb, your comments are always great <3
You're still brilliant.
Your stories are still amazing.
You're still a good writer.
*insert keysmash here* ♥
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you so much
*enjoys fake keymashing* ♥♥♥
My pleasure.
My pleasure.
My pleasure.
Don't you dare, calling my keysmashing fake! <.< It's just.. just.. a new kind of keysmashing, okay? It's a better and improved version of the other method:'D <3
um, sorry. Thank you for the new and improved keymashing <3
I'm afraid to leave a comment... but, here I am.
and now, I'm going to mess up everything that I say because I have no idea what to say.
There are too many parts that I just can't get over... and instead of making an obnoxiously long comment that takes up a whole page I feel like I should just tell you the basics... but, if I do that then I'll miss something.
So, now, I am wondering what to say... I could say it was beautiful, but that wouldn't be enough, I could use a lot of different verbs... but THEY wouldn't be enough.
And now I'm shit out of luck...
*sigh* I guess the only word I can use is... well, very indescribable... I love this chapter bb, probably one of my favorites...
Shit out of luck, oicu quoting teh Beckett :D
I know what you mean. I feel like this part is kind of neither here nor there... Well you saying it's one of your favorites is great because I kinda felt like it was boring tbh lol
yay. ty <3
I was sooo quoting Beckett. That song had just played on my itunes, and it made sense, so why not use it?
Not boring, no no no no no. You're writing is never boring, nope. But, the author never really thinks their writing is interesting, unless they worked really really hard on something and were extremely proud of how it came out, like for the end of If You Wanna Hit The Floor - Are You Ready For More? (look at me advertising) I wrote a sex scene that I didn't think was very hot but some people were all like "unfunfunf so hot", yeah, kind of different, but do you get what I mean?
and you are very welcome, bb. <3
amazing chapter bb <3
i was so happy that i cried <3
excellent job <3
thank you bb <3
Awww *snuggles again*
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