
Jun 30, 2008 10:03

Haven't posted for a while, and everything I have has been little stuff, and I haven't been commenting much in my FL. Sorry about that, I have been reading it, I've just been REALLY busy!
I'm writing this from my parents house in Grand Junction (other side of the Rockies from Denver), where I have brought the kids for some R&R (we spent a couple days in the mountians, fishing, hiking and playing) after finishing off my second term of nursing school!
Which brings me too: I HAVE FINISHED THE SECOND TERM OF NURSING SCHOOL!!!! As there are 6 total terms, this makes me 1/3 of a nurse currently. And it's amazing how freaking much I have learned. I have learned a staggering amount of new information this last term. I have also done a LOT of new stuff, from giving injections (easy) to inserting foley catheters (hard) and suctioning trachs (eh. Seemed hard at first, now not so much). Also, I've done a bunch of gross things, like cleaning colostomies (not much fun, it turns out), and changing about 500 adult diapers (we call them "briefs"). Oh the joys of working in nursing homes. I'll be so fucking glad when I am an RN and never have to go into one of those places ever again.
I kicked ass this term. Very much ass. My grades are:
Nutrition: B. Who cares? This was a dumb class. Really, very dumb.
Fundamentals of Nursing Lecture: A! And in nursing courses, the grade scale is 94-100=A, 86-93=B and 80-85=C so I am extra proud of this.
Fundamentals of Nursing Lab: A!
Pharmacology: A! Fuck right, I got an A in Pharm. That class was mother fucking HARD, too!
Fundamentals Clinical: Pass. This one is pass/fail.
So three A's and a B! That was my best semester EVER!
I'm proud of myself, and shocked at myself. I have never been a good student, ever. I dropped out of college on at least 3 separate occasions, making stupid excuses about how college wasn't right for me (I was really just lazy), and how I could get just as good of a job by working hard and "paying my dues" with a company (I couldn't). Really, I just was never willing to apply myself and do the work required of me. I would skip class for any reason/excuse, and would blow off assignments, even if I wasn't doing anything to prevent me from doing it. I would sit and watch a TV show I didn't even like rather than do school work! But this time I made a promise to myself that I would 1: show up for class, everyday, unless I had a REAL reason not to, 2: do my work, 3: study and try to LEARN the material, not just enough for the test, and I have found that when I do apply myself, I really can do about anything.
Nursing school is really not all that hard, compared to a lot. It's certainly harder than any other 2 year program I can think of, and some of the classes are harder than any I took in a 4 year program, but I took easy courses in my 4 year programs. But for me, I feel really good about how well I am doing, just because I had fucked up so badly in college in the past. I always felt like I wasn't capable of college, mainly because I bought into my own bullshit. Now that I am proving myself wrong, it feels great, and even though I will only have an Associates Degree when I am done (with this program, I will go on, probably to masters level), I will be fucking proud of that RN after my name!
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