Sometimes the grass is greener over here...

Apr 06, 2008 21:16

David Rees, who writes the wonderful "Get your war on," linked these awful pro-Bush cartoons in his blog.
This just reinforced to me why I am SO HAPPY to be a part of that evil left wing conspiracy/movement known to the right wingers as "secular humanism." OUR POLITICAL SATIRISTS ARE FUNNY. Not only that, but we have porn. And sometimes our porn is funny, too. We have a black man and a women to choose from to be our presidential candidate. They have another old white guy. Really, life over here is just much more colorful and interesting. We have the gay pride parades. They sit in church for hours on end.
What is it about the Christian right that they have to suck the fun out of everything? Please note, I'm not saying that Christianity is boring, I know some wonderful fun happy Christians, just the sect of the religion that have decided that we should somehow be a Christian nation and are actively inserting themselves into government. It's the Ted Haggarts of the world, who somehow even took the fun out of meth-driven gay sex! How do you even do that?!! Or the Kevin McCoullough's, who took the fun right out of video game alien lesbian sex! Just cause you're not getting any hot space chick-on-space chick action doesn't mean ya got to ruin it for the rest of us!
If you will excuse me, I am going to go play violent videogames, listen to music with a sinful upbeat tempo, and fuck my wife in a ungodly, non-reproductive way.
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