Harry Potter: [Claim Table] rarepair_shorts

Dec 20, 2008 08:53

rarepair_shorts HP Rare-Pair Challenge
Author: minuit_etoile
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Dorcas Meadowes
Progress: 2/13

1. dither dather
2. let the tempest howl
3. this is Wednesday
4. and thus
5. the lake at midnight
6. I can't leave it all behind
7. paint the sky with stars
8. facing tomorrow alone
9. all I ask of you
10. the sky has limits, too
11. of paper and plastic
12. parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme
13. faces in the glass

fic, writing stuff, claim, harry potter, remus/dorcas, rarepair_shorts

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