Wait a minute... Thoughts about 4x13

Dec 19, 2011 10:14

I know, I know, I'm already having thoughts about an episode that has yet to air. I really need a life. Especially as I thought about this this morning as I was washing up my hair, of all things!!!

When I glimpsed Dragoon in the trailer, I immediately bemoaned his presence because let's face it, he's used as a cop out by the writers.

But then, I realised... I really, really hope that Dragoon and Arthur are going to be face to face and that it's not going to be Dragoon doing his stuff behind Arthur's back.
Can you imagine the confrontation? Would Arthur remember what Gaius told him and not try to kill on the spot but at least listen?
Arthur looks like he's alone when he's grabbing Excalibur in the trailer but maybe he's not.

I don't dare to think what could that mean if Arthur could interact with a sorcerer whom he suspected to have killed his father!

So now I really wonder if the writers could have really been that clever and started to use Dragoon as a cop out but knew they would ultimately use him as a magic reveal tool.
I mean, Arthur knows Dragoon, knows he's a sorcerer. So I don't know, instead of having Merlin reveal his magic to Arthur, why not having Dragoon revealing he's in fact Merlin?

We've been sent so many mixed signals about the reveal that I'm no longer sure what to think!


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