Hey guys! I've got some anime merchandise for sale; I'm heading off to college and don't have endless space, and I think others would get much more use out of it than I do now.
Policy type things
-I'm not interested in trading unless it's super awesome Toradora merchandise ;)
-Payment is in USD through Paypal only, please do NOT send as a gift
-I'll reserve things for 24 hours, give or take a few
-I'm not responsible for what happens to your items after they're shipped
-I'll ship overseas, but keep in mind the DVDs are R1
Fullmetal Alchemist
The full first series of FMA- As a set, $60, or $5 per DVD. They all come with their booklets and are in good condition, but not mint. If you want, I can check the DVDs you're interested in and tell you how it's holding up.
DVDs 9-12 are sold. The rest are still available.
FMA volumes 2-14 (two copies of vol. 5)-As a set, $30, or $3 per volume. As with the anime, they are in good condition, but not mint. If you want, I can check the volumes you're interested in and tell you how it's holding up.
Volume 14 and one copy of 5 has been sold! The rest are still available.
FMA: Conqueror of Shamballa, special 2 disk set-The cover for the case is slightly damaged, but the case and its contents are fine. $15
FMA: Anime Profiles-It still has the poster in the back, never taken out. $7
FMA: Anime Artbook-I've probably only paged through this a few times, it looks new. $10
4 of the FMA novels-$13 for all 4 or $4 each.
Military Pocket Watch-This was one of 500 made; these watches are the only I've found that are accurate to the design, both inside and out.
This e-bay post is the same watch I bought, for comparisons. (I misplaced the first chain, however.) It's perfect for cosplay~ Sadly, the watch no longer tells time, even if the second hand continues to tick. I'm sure there's a way to replace the battery, but even so it's a cool piece of merchandise. $25
Bleach vol. 1-6-$15 as a set with the 3 below, or $3 each.
Bleach vol. 10-12-$15 as a set with the 6 above, or $3 each.
Azumanga Daioh vol. 1-4-$10 as a set, or $3 each.
Excel Saga vol. 1-$3.
Sailor Moon vol. 2&3-$5 for them both or $3 each