May 18, 2010 21:20
Seriously, what's up with people still using netspeak?
Today was boring. That is, until I came home and readthe funniest Rozenkreuz fanfiction I think I've ever read before in my entire life that doesn't involve SLASH. XD Ohh, I love you, PhantomInspector. Truly I do. Gotta love those RO nuts, too.
So, when I post something on my journal that I WANT people to read, they never do. But when I post something that I think NO ONE would read, they do and comment on it, too.
Come on, can't you folks just skip over the rants and get to the academic stuff already? >>;
Oh, and hooray for good Trinity Blood fanfiction and OCs. Rock on, everybody, but NO MORE bad Abel/Esther fics, I beg of you. Please, you're making them cry.