I am totally wrapping presents right now, so I'll leave you with a timeless holiday tale:
Beige is a light yellowish gray color.
The term originates from beige cloth, a woolen fabric left in its natural color. It has since come to be used for a range of light shades chosen for their neutral or cool appearance, and is often (mis)used of light brown shades.
Originally the color ecru meant exactly the same color as beige or pale cream colour, and the word is often used to refer to such fabrics as silk and linen in their unbleached state. Ecru comes from the French word écru, which means literally 'raw' or 'unbleached'. Now, however, ecru is considered a different color than beige.
It is common for those in the baby boom generation to mistakenly think of beige as being the color zinnwaldite because in the 1960s, AT&T marketed a colored telephone for offices and homes in a color they called "beige" which was actually the color zinnwaldite.
Related color names sometimes used as synonyms include buff, biscuit, camel, cream, ecru, mushroom, oatmeal, sand, and tan.
The skin colour of some white people is described more accurately as beige or peach.
Beige is sometimes used as a symbol or metaphor for blandness.
Beige shades have often been used for personal computer cases, so much so that beige box is a term for a generic PC.
Beige is a common color of cargo pants (the second most popular after khaki), and is the most popular shade of pantyhose (tights in the UK).
In many languages, as in English, the word for beige is an adaptation of the French word.