Need help adding pictures :)

Feb 12, 2012 17:48

Journal Preview: cnoellesusice
Style Name: Flexible Squares
Account Type: basic - but the final product will be on a paid account

Hi! I'm sort of new at all this CSS and I've got the feeling I'm getting in a bit too deep with what I want to do... but I'm hoping someone here can help me!

I've been changing around some of the design and finding it difficult to manipulate anything on the big wide gray area on this particular layout just below the header image. The only thing I can get to show up there is the link list... so what I'd really like to have next to it is a small banner or a block of text... but how do I get it there? Where would I add the html in order to create the class to tell it where I want it?

Any help is absolutely appreciated!! Thank you in advance :)


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