How to take the hardback cover book and duplicate it online?

Feb 27, 2011 14:05

I hope I'm doing this right. I read the faq and the user page, but sometimes I miss things. If I posted wrong, just comment or drop me a note and I'll delete it or try to correct it.

I want to create a new profile that is laid out kind of like a book. I'm looking to model it after a hard back of a published book, so I can post fics and have them a bit like actual books.

I don't know if that makes sense but basically, what I want is a page that is the same sort of layout as a hardback, where it has the title of the fic on top of the page, and the title of the chapter on the bottom. Next to the chapter title of the page, I want an option for readers to 'turn the page' or 'go back'. I'm not really sure where to even begin.

I don't want anybody to do it for me, but I was wondering if I could catch some pointers around here. I'll post an image example of what I want if I wasn't clear. Sometimes I have trouble communicating my ideas.


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