Oct 18, 2012 23:43

omg so I haven't made icons in so long, I sort of... forgot. Everything. WHAT HAPPENED IT USED TO BE EASIER THAN THIS. Anyway, I joined theiconquest and I am going to try to use that to ~flex~ the oft-ignored muscles, so. Have some icons!


♪ random stuff

[1-5] (rogue/hero/hero/rogue/rogue)

[6-10] (rogue/rogue/wizard/hero/rogue)

[11-15] (hero/rogue/hero/hero/bard)
fandoms: 1-2: Disney; 3-4: Happy Endings; 5-6: Parks and Rec; 7: Doctor Who; 8-10: Supernatural; 11: Teen Wolf; 12-15: Community

*Points for theiconquest:
power (hero): 2, 3, 9, 11, 13, 14
agility (rogue): 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12
magic (wizard): 8
charm (bard): 15

The theme was "adventure," which lbr I took some liberties with. Ahh well; they all fit, in their own way. In my opinion. Okay, then.

Ahh, blppt I'm sticking to what I know - MINIMALISM EVERYWHERE FROM NOW ON. Phooey.

*Comments are ♥
*Credit mintygraphix or an_ardent_rain
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*Add me on tumblr for more graphics.
*My Resources

tv show: community, tv show: parks and recreation, creator: an_ardent_rain, tv show: supernatural

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