hi everybody~ mintyfresh1 here.
oh wow don't think i've ever really spoke to you guys before.
it's been a long time running...
how have you been?
i've...i've missed you a lot, you know.
things were never the same once you left...
so, yeah! i'm moving!
i will still have this journal. but you may all find my fanfiction at a new community
jong2mini will keep the fics on this journal here, and all new fics will be posted there! so please watch that comm :)
and no, it won't just be jong2min fanfiction, although i do love me some good ole jong2min.
me and two of my friends,
sharpersong and
papersque, have started up this journal for our fanfiction, so it won't just be my fanfiction there~
(in short, it's named jong2min because our biases combined makes all our ot3)
you don't have to unfriend me here, but if you have friended me for my fiction, then go ahead and watch
jong2min so...i guess this is goodbye then...
oh no...my allergies are acting up...
you guys are awesome, i love you all very much and i hope you all enjoy future fics!
((dis post has been awarded the most awkward post in the history of awkward posts))