Has it been so long?

Oct 12, 2006 01:56

Wow i'm surprised i've gone this long without posting. Then again, this is the busiest quarter ive ever had in my 3.3 years here at ucsd.

School started and week 1 was hell. I swear Michelle's birthday lasted for two days. My friend and i planned a surprise party for her and sadly the surprise was ruined like... seriously 8 hours prior to the party. But it was still a success. HELLLLLLAAA people (pardon my.. norcal?) showed up and it was a blast.. i had bought a handle of cuervo, two bottles of REALLY good margarita mix, two 30 packs of beer.. and that wasnt enough. The tequila lasted (barely) and even though some beer was brought.. in the end i think someone had to make an alcohol run. The next night we all went out to dinner for miche's birthday at this mexican place in del mar (yum). I swear michelle's birthday left me drained the whole week haha.

Week 2.. kinda started setting a schedule for myself for school, work, and homework. Pretty much, mon-thurs i'm out of my apartment from about 10:30 to about 5 or 7 at night (depending on the day).. some days i stay longer to go to the library to do homework and study. I barely have time to eat lunch.. Fridays i only have class 11-12 but the rest of the day is set aside for Pfizer. Mondays i go from school to work back to school and end at 7; mondays are the worst. God i'm such a geek (leo.. we'll start a club, but you can be president because.. i don't think an explanation is really needed). I am surprised however by how efficient i'm being with my time.. not to toot my own horn, but then again who wants to toot their own horn about being efficient enough to finish their hw early? Anyway..

Week 3 is almost over and it's been a lot like week 2. Wednesdays are my favorites, only because i get to have dinner with brian and friends and watch LOST (i LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE lost). The weekend is coming and Fall Fest is on friday.. Hot Hot Heat is coming to campus to play for free and i'm excited. Party and lots of studying the rest of the weekend though. One midterm and one quiz (that might as well be a midterm) next week. And then one midterm the week after. And then halloween!!

Life has been hectic and busy but good (as good as it could be anyway). Money is tight.. probably the tightest its ever been. I suspect thats because of less time for work + miche's birthday present + paying for alcohol for miche's birthday + BOOKS. So i'm hoping next month will be a little less burdensome...... *crosses fingers* Anyway it's late and i have class early (10am) so.. goodnight everyone.
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