Layout: Deadline by
Static /
Live ]
Basic Info:
• S2 Flexible Squares.
• Basic, plus and paid.
• 1280x720+.
• Best view with Firefox.
/* Title: Deadline
Creator: neen at revolumna
Style: S2 Flexible Squares */
/* ---------->>> FONTS <<<---------- */
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/* ---------->>> SUBCONTENT, ENTRIES <<<---------- */
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/* ---------->>> DATE, SUBJECT, CURRENTS <<<---------- */
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/* ---------->>> RECENT POSTS <<<---------- */
/* Code by sireesanwar, */
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/* ---------->>> COMMENTS, COMMENTS PAGE <<<---------- */
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/* ---------->>> ARCHIVE PAGE <<<---------- */
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/* ---------->>> CONTROLSTRIP <<<---------- */
/* Code by lu_hesperia, */
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/* ---------->>> MISC <<<---------- */
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