Stay; Smooth Sailing

Jun 01, 2015 10:22


XV. STAY→ S2 Smooth Sailing
→ Basic, plus and paid; ad placement between entries or horizontal.
→ Features custom comment pages, title, navigation and topbar.
→ Only the first three sideboxes will be visible.
(Static) (Live)
/*- 015 Stay
Layout by lu_hesperia at
Tiny icons by -*/

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BODY:not(.s-schemius) .b-contextualhover a:hover {border-bottom: 0 !important; text-decoration: none!important; color: #c88fc4!important;}INSTALLATION
(1) Apply any Smooth Sailing theme. Make sure the page set up is 2 Column (sidebar on left) or else the sidebar won't show. Set the ads to between entries or horizontal.
(2) Display → Navigation Strip color: Light gray.
(3) Entry Text → Format for Date and Time: %%dayord%% %%month%% %%yyyy%%. Additionally you can edit some of the text so that they look like in the preview.
(4) Menu → Shorten the links used for the navigation.
(5) Sidebar → Ordering: Free Text, Links, Latest Month. You can order the sideboxes as you want but keep in mind that only the first three of them will be visible.
(6) Custom CSS → Set all drop-down boxes to No and paste the code.NOTES AND CREDITS
→ Don't redistribute or claim as your own.
→ Credit is nice.
→ Tiny icons by
→ Preview icon by astrokittie at chronophages
→ Original post here at ourhappyhours

style: smooth sailing, maker: lu_hesperia

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