TINYICONS: Doodlebits

Oct 05, 2011 08:17


I use these a lot in layouts, so I figured I'd share them. These are definitely not as awesome as a lot of the stuff out there, but I don't really specialize in making tinyicons. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure these are some of the only ones I've made, hah. I'd just really wanted something doodle-y at the time, made these, and then wound up using them a lot more than I thought I would.

If you don't know how to code tinyicons into your CSS (or are just lazy like I am), try Malionette's Tinyicon Generator! I used to know a flawless tutorial for custom tag images, but when I Googled it for this post I came up with jack, so if anyone knows where that is please let me know so I can link that as well! I explain as best I can how to use tag icons below, but I'm completely shit at teaching, so if there are problems when you try to use the code I give feel free to let me know.

layouttesst for more goodies!

  • Do not redistribute as your own. Redistribution is fine, but it must have a link back to my comm or this journal entry specifically.
  • You may change the colors (the best way would probably be to open a file in PS or GIMP and use 'colorize').
  • Please credit me if you're using these, either in your LJ profile or somewhere similar. Want a credit button? Those are here!
  • That's it!
ul {
list-style-image: url('IMAGE URL HERE');

.ljtags {
margin-top: 20px;
padding-right: 20px;
padding-left: 20px;
background: url('IMAGE URL HERE') no-repeat left center;
*Note that you likely will have to adjust the padding to get it to sit correctly.

resources: icon sets, maker: tessisamess

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