Wikipedia Grey Lady III by Jeremy Tan into a more minimalist style with three variations depending on the user's display screen.
Name: Minimalist Wikipedia
Style: Revamped site scheme for wikipedia
Browsers: Tested so far in Chrome, Opera and Firefox but should work in IE and Safari too
Minimalist Central
Displays well across all resolutions
Userscript //
Userstyle Minimalist Widescreen
Best suited to resolutions wider than 1280px
Userscript //
Userstyle Minimalist Stretch
Best suited to resolutions less than1280px wide
Userscript //
UserstyleSetting up userscripts in your browsers
- Chrome installs the userscripts natively as extensions
- Firefox requires the Greasemonkey extension installed first
- Opera requires you to set up a folder first
- Safari users can follow this guide
- Internet Explorer requires Trixie (or an alternative)
Setting Up Userstyles
- Firefox requires the Stylish extension
- Opera can use them natively - instructions here