img minimal taupe
basic, paid, plus; firefox, ie, chrome, safari tested
s2 flexible squares on 1024x768+ resolution
→ Go to the
customization page and select a Flexible Square layout (any one)
→ The ad placement could be any of them; they all look fine
→ Click
customize your theme → On the
display tab, select "none" for the mood theme (optional)
→ Under the navigation strip section, check the first box (optional)
→ If you have a plus layout, go to the
style tab and change all the colors to #FFFFFF
→ Skip the above step if you have basic or paid
→ Then go to the
custom css tab set all the drop downs to 'no'
→ Lastly, paste the code below into the last box and hit save
→ Looks good in basic, paid, and plus accounts
→ Tested in Firefox, IE, Safari, & Chrome
→ IE makes the entry text too far to the left
→ No header image, no sidebar, navigation strip disabled (optional)
→ Mini icons by FamFam (Silk)
→ Customized comment pages
→ Color scheme was inspired by the vintage couches
grijs rules
→ Leave the credit in the codes
→ Comment here or on the original post if you use
→ Leave a credit somewhere on your profile or journal to
asterfall → Feel free to edit the css if you'd like, as long as it's not drastic
→ Do not take and claim that you made it or redistribute it
→ Feed back would be loved ♥!
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