S2 Minimalism : Sin (Demonography Mod)

Sep 24, 2010 21:25

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( Layout Code ) #049 : Sin /* S2 MINIMALISM --- 049 Sin (Demonography Mod) ---
Malionette @ Fruitstyle.livejournal.com
Unoriginal @ Refutare.livejournal.com
Do not remove this note. */

/* ---------- BODY ---------- */

body{ background: url(http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/315/63030461.gif) fixed repeat-x #000000; font: 8pt lucida sans unicode; color: #808080; margin: 30px; }

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/* ---------- HEADER FOOTER SIDEBAR ---------- */

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/* ---------- ENTRY ---------- */

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/* ---------- META ---------- */

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/* ---------- ARCHIVE MONTH ---------- */

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/* ---------- TAGS ---------- */

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/* ---------- COMMENTS TOP HALF ---------- */

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/* ---------- COMMENTS BOTTOM HALF ---------- */

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/* ---------- REPLY AND DELETE ---------- */

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/* ---------- EXTRA ---------- */

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div.ContextualPopup div.Inner div.Content .alias-unavailable a:hover {color: #a0a0a0 !important;}

More LJ layout stylesheets and profile codes at fruitstyle.

maker: malionette, style: minimalism

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