Layout; Tiny Teeth!

Jan 01, 2010 01:51

▼ Please do not take the credit out of the CSS
▼ I'd appreciate a comment if you are taking
▼ Flexible Squares
▼ Preview Here
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/* Cleaned CSS: */
/* Tiny Teeth
layout by Retardparty @ LJ
please keep this credit in place
find more layouts at

/* ------------------------------- */
body{font-size:12px; background:#E7E6DD; background-image:url(;
font-family:tahoma; font-size:10px; line-height:9pt; text-align:justify; text-transform:normal; color:black;}

#header, .subcontent, .yeartable{border:1px solid #ffffff;}

a{color:#C5DF99; text-decoration:none;}


#content{width:550px; padding:30px; position:absolute; left:50%; margin-left:-305px;}

#header{background:#ffffff; padding:15px; margin-bottom:10px; padding-top:60px;}

#header a, .navheader .view{color:#C5DF99; font-family:times new roman; text-transform:uppercase; font-size:11px; background:#ffffff; border:1px solid #ffffff; padding:3px; padding-left:0px; padding-right:0px;}

#header a:hover{border-color:#ffffff;}

#header li{position:relative; left:250px; top:-65px;}

#footer li, #header li{list-style:none;}

ul.navheader li, ul.navfooter li, .year{display:inline;}


.subcontent, .yeartable{padding:10px; background:#ffffff;}

.ljtaglist, .year{list-style:none;}

.entry_text img{max-width:530px;}

.userpic, .userpicfriends{float:left; padding:10px; background:#ffffff!important;}

.comments, .skiplinks, .userpicfriends{font-size:0px;}

.comments a, .userpicfriends font, .skiplinks a{font-size:8pt; padding:2px;}

#footer a, .skiplinks a{color:black;}


.date{font-size:10px; font-family:tahoma; color:#444444; background:#ffffff; border-bottom:1px solid #ffffff; padding:3px 7px 3px 7px;}

.title{text-align:left; position:relative; top:-30px; font-size:85px; color:#081338; font-family:georgia; letter-spacing:-5px;}

.datesubject{padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px;}

.subtitle, .userpic, .currents, .ljtags, .ljuser img, .subject img, ul.navfooter li.viewing, .sbartitle, .subject, .userpicfriends{display:none;}

Installation Instructions;
▼ If you're not on it already, go to "Select Journal Style", switch to S2, change your layout style to "Flexible Squares", and Page Setup to "1 Colum (No Sidebar)"
▼ Go to "Custom CSS" and set all drop down boxes to no.
▼ Copy and Paste the layout code into the CSS box. Save. All Done!
▼ Join thatparty for more layouts and graphics!

Further Notes;
▼ This is my first layout, so if there are any problems, please leave a comment and I'll try to fix it!
▼ It's only been tested in Safari & Firefox and on a Basic and Paid account.
▼ You are allowed to change anything about the layout, but please keep the credit in the CSS as recognition of my base code, and please only edit the CSS if you know what you're doing.
▼ Please Comment if taking & thank you so much for looking!

style: flexible squares

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