Layout Name: Seasonal Snow Globe
S2 Style: Bloggish
Layout In Use:
hereTested In: Works in Firefox 3.5, Chrome, and Safari. Unsurprisingly, as IE does not come close to rendering CSS as it's meant to, it is not recommended for IE8.
Other: LJ & IJ compatible. Comes with four interchangeable, seasonal headers.
How to Install
- Go to the Customize Journal page.
- Working in s2, select the Bloggish "Unstyled" theme. Make sure that your sidebar is positioned on the left.
- Click Custom CSS. Make sure "Use layout's "Base Weblog" stylesheet" is set to yes. In the area for custom stylesheets (not external custom stylesheets), paste the codes below.
- Rehosting these images is very much appreciated, as I'm not sure how much hotlinking a free photobucket account can accommodate, and this way if anything ever goes awry your journal will not be effected!
- Be sure to credit "quibblercons at InsaneJournal" in your profile bio section so if someone admires the layout they'll know where to find it!
- Some answers ahead of time: No, this layout cannot have a taglist, entries list, link list, or calendar and still look as nice as it does at the moment. Or if it can, I don't know how to do it, sorry! I don't do moodthemes, so I always have them turned off. I'm pretty sure it's an easy fix if you look through the code for something about a metadata img, and display: none; and remove that tidbit. If you want your LJ navigation bar back, find #lj_controlstrip
{ display: none !important;} and remove that. :)
To Change Your SeasonFind the url "" within the codes below, and change 'autumn' to whichever season you prefer: 'spring' 'winter' or 'summer'. Click the images below to view them full size.
The Codes/* Bloggish: Seasonal Snow Globe */
/* Layout available at */
/* Bloggish starter sheet by grrliz on */
html body
padding-top: 0 !important;
/* -------------------------- */
/* ---------- MISC ---------- */
/* -------------------------- */
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/* ---------- PAGE LAYOUT ---------- */
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#beta {
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display: inline;
position: relative;
float: left;}
/* ---------------------------- */
/* ---------- HEADER ---------- */
/* ---------------------------- */
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/* ----------------------------- */
/* ---------- CONTENT ---------- */
/* ----------------------------- */
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/* ----------------------------- */
/* ---------- MODULES ---------- */
/* ----------------------------- */
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/* --- link list --- */
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/* --- page summary --- */
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/* ------------------------------ */
/* ---------- CALENDAR ---------- */
/* ------------------------------ */
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/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
/* ---------- ADD FURTHER CSS OVERRIDES BELOW ---------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
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