Smooth Sailing; It's an Adventure ...Right?

Aug 06, 2009 11:30

smooth sailing: it's an adventure ...right?

→ Preview: LIVE
→ Problems: FAQ

Please credit kill_brainz

About This Layout

ACCOUNT  All (Basic/Paid/Plus)
TESTED ON  Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer 8
AD-PLACEMENT  Between Entries
DISABLED  Journal title, menu, sidebar (tags, summary, links, calendar, search)
FEATURES  Contextual pop-up, tiny icons, nav-strip, rounded corners, opacity
FINAL NOTES  FireFox for the rounded corners of course.

01. Select Journal Style
Select any Smooth Sailing theme and pick an ad placement you prefer.
Don't forget to set the sidebar to the left.

02. Customize Journal Style
Copy and paste the CSS stylesheet below and make sure that you select no for all of the drop-down menus.


LJ STYLE: Smooth Sailing
LAYOUT: It's An Adventure ...Right?
MAKER: kill_zombie



body { background-color: #F6F4F5; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color: #333333; margin: 0px; }
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img.profile-userpic { height: 80px; width: 80px; }

.commentHolder { padding: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 30px 0px; }
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#commenttext { width: 100%; }

.yearlinks{ text-align: right; }
.yearlink{ padding: 0px 4px 0px 4px; }

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.day-count { width: 50%; float: right; }
.day-count a { font-family: Arial; font-size: 15px; font-weight: normal; color: #222222; text-align: right; text-decoration: none; }
.day-count a:hover { color: #694866; }

.tagstable, .tagstable td { border: 0.5px solid #F6F4F5; }
.tagstable { width: 90%; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9px; text-align: center; }

blockquote { font-family: Georgia; color: #555555; border-left: 10px solid #555555; padding: 3px 20px 3px 20px; }
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.entryHeader img[src=""]{ width: 0; height: 0; padding: 0 16px 16px 0; background: url(; filter: alpha(opacity=100); -moz-opacity: 1; opacity: 1; !important }
.entryHeader img[src=""]{ width: 0; height: 0; padding: 0 16px 16px 0; background: url(; filter: alpha(opacity=100); -moz-opacity: 1; opacity: 1; !important }
.entryHeader img { width: 0; height: 0; background-repeat: no-repeat; /* so that IE users will still see an image */ background-image: url(; padding: 16px 48px 0 0; filter: alpha(opacity=100); -moz-opacity: 1; opacity: 1; !important }
.ljuser img { width: 0; height: 0; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color:transparent; /* so that IE users will still see an image */ background-image: url(; padding: 16px 16px 0 1px !important; filter: alpha(opacity=100); -moz-opacity: 1; opacity: 1; !important }
.ljuser img[src=""] { background-color:transparent; background-image: url(; padding: 12px 12px 0 1px !important; filter: alpha(opacity=100); -moz-opacity: 1; opacity: 1; !important }
.ljuser img[src=""] { background-color:transparent; background-image: url(; padding: 12px 12px 0 1px !important; filter: alpha(opacity=100); -moz-opacity: 1; opacity: 1; !important }
.ljuser a b { font-family: Georgia; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: -1px; color: #694866; }
.ljuser a b:hover { color: #444444; }

div.ContextualPopup { position: relative; font: normal 9px "Verdana" !important; text-align: left; margin: 0px; }
div.ContextualPopup div.Inner { background: transparent url( !important; color: #444444 !important; border: 1px solid #4D2852; padding: 0; width: 280px; }
div.ContextualPopup .Userpic { background-color: #EEEEEE; padding: 3px; margin: 5px 5px 0; border: 1px solid #4D2852; }
div.ContextualPopup .Content { background-color: #FBF2FC; padding: 5px; border-right: 1px solid #4D2852; margin-right:68px; }
div.ContextualPopup div.Inner a, div.ContextualPopup div.Inner a:visited, div.ContextualPopup div.Inner a:hover, div.ContextualPopup div.Inner a:active { font-weight: bold; color: #6C4C70 !important; text-decoration: none !important; }
div.ContextualPopup .Relation { font-size: 9pt; text-transform: uppercase; }

#lj_controlstrip { filter: alpha(opacity=40); -moz-opacity: 0.4; opacity: 0.4; !important }
#lj_controlstrip:hover { filter: alpha(opacity=70); -moz-opacity: 0.7; opacity: 0.7; !important }
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#lj_controlstrip a:hover { font-weight: lighter; color: #F51D57; text-decoration: underline; }
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table#lj_controlstrip td { background-color: #111111; font-family: Georgia; font-size: 10px; border: 1px solid #111111; border-left: none; }
form#qrform table { border-width: 0px !important; padding-right: 6px; }

03. Display > Presentation
Basic Options
Userinfo Position in Entries → Right side of the Entry Text

04. Topbar → Module Positions
I designed the topbar specifically, so to have it look like the image and live preview just make sure all the other boxes are hidden and in this specific order:
1 → Freetext #1
2 → Profile
3 → Freetext #2

The header-menu is disabled and instead, the links in freetext #1 and only that module have been designed to appear in the large Georgia font. Freetext #1 acts are your menu links so go crazy with it.

05. Header Image
Upload to your own servers as always → featuring The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Make sure you have something written in your journal subtitle so that the header shows up.

style: smooth sailing, maker: kill_zombie

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