Layout : 01 Smooth Sailing - Kaylee Frye Shiny Style

Jun 27, 2009 18:32

Style: Smooth Sailing
Title: Kaylee Frye Shiny Style [Firefly]
but it doesn't use any pictures from the show, it's because of the colors and some stock images.


account types: Basic, Plus, Paid
compatible browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, (i couldn't test it, but i think it works with Safari and Google Chrome too)
comment pages: Yes
info: it's my first layout, so, i hope it's not too bad :)

1. Select your Journal Style. Go here and choose Smooth Sailing and 2 Column (sidebar on right) If you have a plus account, the layout works better with Ad Placement: Between Entries.

2. Go to Customize your theme.

3. At Display -> Presentation -> Additional Options -> Wrap Entry text under userinfo: Yes.

Hit Save Changes.

4. At Custom CSS ->

Use layout's stylesheet(s): No
Use layout's stylesheet(s) when including custom external stylesheet: No

Paste the next code into the Custom stylesheet box.

Hit Save Changes.

5. Please, credit heliotitans or some_cramping if using it. (You can do it in your profile).

6. You can modify the layout, as long as you keep crediting me. Anyway, be sure you know what you're doing when modifying it, if you don't know how to do it, it's better not to touch it ;)

7. Please, don't repost this as yours, including if you modify it, don't repost it.

8. The pattern used in this layout is by

style: smooth sailing

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