Style: S2 Flexible Squares
Best view: 800x600 and up
Browsers Tested On: Latest versions of IE, Opera and Firefox only
Custom Comment Pages: No
Layout : Web 2.0
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takenote_icons Each entry's user icon has a web 2.0 feel - here's a close up:
- Perfectly centralized entries
- Fluid layout that fits for any resolution
- Userpics on the left BUT they do not get in the way of the entry posts
Go to the
layout customization area Under Select a New Theme
Type in Flexible Squares
Choose any colorscheme click Apply Theme
Choose 2 column (sidebar on right)
Click Customize Selected Theme
Under Customize Options
Disable customized comment pages for your journal: YES
Click Save Changes
Under Custom CSS
Use layout's stylesheet(s): Yes
Use layout's stylesheet(s) when including custom external stylesheet: No
Use external stylesheets: Yes
Paste the
NoteIf you get an error after pasting the codes, then this is your solution: sometimes you need to upload your .css file of codes to a server and link to it instead of pasting the codes directly- that's what I did for the takenote_icons community. There are a lot of free web servers, and I myself use to host my css files.
Paste this code into your profile page:
Changing Header Image
I used the font, Mean 26 which can be downloaded for free from
hereThe Header is 630px wide and 200px high. To replace the header image add the following code to the end of all the codes:
#header {
background: url(YOUR IMAGE URL HERE) no-repeat top center;
padding-top: 200px !important; /*replace with the height of your image*/
Codes Notice:
You are free to make *any* changes as long as you give credit for the base code.
So the only rule is to comment & credit