+HANSON THIS WEEKEND!! Yeeessssss, 2 shows in a row, bitches! It's gonna be fucking sweet. Except for the fact that I will have even less money afterward. BUT TWO DAYS OF HANSON! AND THERE IS A GOOD POSSIBILITY I WILL MEET THEM
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Everyone should drink beer. Beer is amazing. I've always said. Last summer at Kyle's house party I was so like "what's with all the pussy drinks" Welcome to the world of beer. Can't welcome you to the world of Pot, haven't entered it myself yet.. some time. I'm sure. It's on my to do list.
I hate birth control too =\ What's worse is they really don't care. a lot of gynecologists just prescribe you something new and push you out the door. *Mollie is embittered by women's health care* (right now my birth control gives me the worst cramps of my life and fucking with my digestion in the grosses most uncomfortable ways. Or maybe that happened this month because I OVULATED - and got a cyst - .. which. uh, BCP is supposed to SUPPRESS)
sorry about the money issue... I know Keene is ridiculous when it comes to summer work. There really just isn't much. Have you looked at want ads for baby sitters? or put up an ad for babysitting? (I don't know if you like kids...) That's the only gig-like non-time-commital job I can think of in good ol' Keene.
OOOH! TEMP AGENCY.. You might not get regular work but you might get a few days of work and at least a couple hundred to help tide you over. It's a thought anyway.
Oooooh, you are such a darling. That's 2 more money ideas that I couldn't come up with because I'm too sick of trying to come up with ideas! haha.
And yeah, I've been reading about your health problems, and I'm really soryy :-\, it all seems very confusing/frustrating, and I hope it works out for the best. They generally switch me between 3 different generic brands of the pill, and the one I'm on now is the one that fucks me over every time. It's no good :(.
I hate birth control too =\ What's worse is they really don't care. a lot of gynecologists just prescribe you something new and push you out the door. *Mollie is embittered by women's health care* (right now my birth control gives me the worst cramps of my life and fucking with my digestion in the grosses most uncomfortable ways. Or maybe that happened this month because I OVULATED - and got a cyst - .. which. uh, BCP is supposed to SUPPRESS)
sorry about the money issue... I know Keene is ridiculous when it comes to summer work. There really just isn't much. Have you looked at want ads for baby sitters? or put up an ad for babysitting? (I don't know if you like kids...) That's the only gig-like non-time-commital job I can think of in good ol' Keene.
OOOH! TEMP AGENCY.. You might not get regular work but you might get a few days of work and at least a couple hundred to help tide you over. It's a thought anyway.
Enjoy Hanson!
And yeah, I've been reading about your health problems, and I'm really soryy :-\, it all seems very confusing/frustrating, and I hope it works out for the best. They generally switch me between 3 different generic brands of the pill, and the one I'm on now is the one that fucks me over every time. It's no good :(.
And. YAY BEER. haha.
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