Sep 05, 2007 18:31
So today was fun. More fun than I expected actually. Got my schedule changed twice by Mr de Souza...I promised never to disturb him for the rest of the year lol...yeah like that will happen.
Anyway so I'm with friends in all my lessons which is good. Was meant to have double chemistry today but didn't have to go to the first lesson cos I went to some taster day at the end of last year. :D So I walked round the school with Chloe and Charlie for the whole hour, taking photos of Chloe lying in random parts of the school, making owl noises outside classrooms with the new yr 7's in and generally messing around. But then we had to go to chemistry and actually use our brains :(
I have a feeling that it's gonna be really hard to concentrate since I haven't really done that in about 11 weeks. Oh well I'm sure I'll get used to it.
The year 13's come in tomorrow, and we have mixed forms this year so I guess that will be interesting...? Lol our form tutor told us that we have a really rowdy bunch of boys in our form, so that will be fun lol.
Really not looking forward to maths tomorrow, I have it last period as :D