phuture phuture...

Nov 27, 2008 11:40

Photobucket is kinda screwed up. Changing to flickr, less grainy photos! Last Saturday, Phuture > Zouk > Members > Phuture againzzz. Very impromptu decision to cab down Zouk since I was dying of boredom at home. Phuture was packedddddd to the max, bump into Ron on the way so Zouk a little. Anyway, that night was really boring except for the company!

Left: Hunch-back is bad bad bad... Right: Xianoi really looks like Xue's mum!

Left: Orh hor! Reuben, you touch me! And you look like a drug addict. 

I'm lazy to upload the rest, grab it at facebook.
Anyway, my flawless-super-good concealer is finishing!!! AHHHhhhhhh and it discontinued already. Die die die.... Feel like trying the bb cream, any recommendation?

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