whine whine bitch bitch moan moan oooh.

May 20, 2008 22:15

It is unbelievably hot outside today. It's not just the heat either, it's the heat accompanied by this abominable humidity. It didn't help that I had to sit a final exam today, either, or that I then sat around and chatted for like three hours with friends. After a while my head started throbbing, it was like my brain was doing this little dance in there, and my body felt like a soggy heap of flesh I just couldn't command at all. Then I somehow managed to drag myself to the bus, where I felt like a plucked chicken in a boiler. The~n I snapped and started acting like a total bitch to everyone I came across... without really wanting to, I assure you. I guess I'm a simple person, really. The only harsh conditions that I simply can't tolerate are physical ones. If I'm hungry, I'm a bitch. If I'm tired, I'm a bitch. If I have to take a dump and can't for some reason, I'm a bitch. If I'm sexually deprived, I'm a bitch.

...people aren't that different from animals anyway. But yeah, I got better, when I got myself some nice iced coffee.

Anyway, I spotted some really amazing gem in the newspaper my mother bought today. I found it when I was skimming across the front page. Some shocking news about a Turkish dude who pulled off something amazing with a bank and ran off to the US with some thirteen million dollars. Now, this stuff's all in Turkish, but I'll try to translate and put it in context for this here blog:

"...bankayı dolandırdıktan sonra Amerika'ya kaçan ve parayı kızlarla yiyen Fındıkkıran Tolga B..."

Now, translated, this literally means:

"Nutcracker Tolga B., who, after conning/scamming the bank, fled to America and ate/spent/thrashed the money with chicks..."

This will of course lose its meaning in the translation. I tried my best. But let me tell you this much. This is the way a bum off the street talks to another bum off the street. This is slang. This is street language, this is plain old idiotspeak. This is the sort of language people use in an idiotic manner, probably in tight-knit friends groups, not on the first page of a newspaper. What the fuck is that phrase, "thrashed the money with chicks"? I swear to whatever deity there is out there, translated properly, that is exactly what it says on the front page of one of Turkey's most respected newspapers. Heck, they even gave this criminal a nickname: "Nutcracker". It all sounds like somebody's watching way too many American crime movies.

I don't know which one is the bigger idiot, the guy who came up with this so-called news report, or the editor who apparently thought this was awwwwwright to put on the front page of a newspaper. You see, a typo here and there or a falsely built sentence in the middle the newspaper is okay. Using this sort of language, this slang, this butchering of the Turkish language is not fucking okay! Not on the front page!

It's like the deviantSHIT frontpage with a retarded drawing of KINGDAMU HAATSU on it, which is being called the greatest piece of art to grace the century. Only this newspaper is a formal and very official newspaper bought by hundreds of thousands of people everyday. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!

Then it dawned on me. This news reporter might not even have graduated from high school, let alone studied any sort of literature, linguistics, or any sort of common knowledge in general. The current government has been pretty nice to people that support it personally lately (actually, always), which mostly includes giving jobs to retards and bums off the street as long as they suck their dicks in some way or the other.

Then the big blonde boys from Europe whine about how uneducated my country's people are.

And you know what? I agree with them, and it does not break my heart to do so; not in the slightest. It's like humans crying about animal cruelty when humans will inflict the same, if not worse, cruelty on their kin. Sometimes I can't believe what people will do to other people. They will deny them a proper education and let them remain unenlightened of everything, and best case scenario, retarded, because it will suit them better. But that's the way the world works, yeah, I know, I guess it will never change.

Am I making any sense...?

Must be the heat. Yes, yes, it's the heat. It's gotten to everyone's heads, and now everybody's abso-fucking-lutely retarded. Yay! Ultra rainbow happy time.

random, rant

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