i think you should check this site out, and then make up your mind about the issue at hand... if you feel it's a cause worth fighting for, please take action.
i'm a big, huge fan of internet radio... since i've had broadband, i like to let it stream sometimes while i sleep, and of course while i'm doing homework, writing a paper, etc. some of my favorite artists have been introduced to me through internet radio stations. i've listened to radio paradise for years, and because of their website, i was introduced to my favorite magazine, paste (which also has introduced me to so many of my now favorites), as well as a countless number of amazing artists. i also enjoy the boot liquor and indie pop stations through somaFM music makes people happy, but musicians are happy when they are supported. i'm sure that they would appreciate the royalties that they receive from internet radio, but because of impending impossible rates, i'm sure the artists might be more willing to accept the fact that the radio stations introduce the music to new fans that will then purchase CDs and attend shows, etc. as opposed to the more likely reality of the situation: internet stations will go dead and NO new music will be introduced to anyone, no new listeners will buy CDs, and no new listeners will attend shows, and musicians will not be able to thrive, and the public will become unhappy because exposure to new music will yield to mainstream shit provided by the clear channel conglomerate.