Let's stay together, forever. [Chapter 22]

Jul 30, 2011 16:56

Title: Let's stay together, forever.
Chapter: 22/26
Pairing: [main]KyuMin, [side] EunHae, Yewook, [ninja] ChangBum [kibumxchangmin], SeoKyu,
This chapter: Kyumin, EunHae, KiMin, Yewook.
Genre: Fluff, romance, friendship, bromance, drama. Angst!!!
Rating: PG for PDA-ingxEunHae
Disclaimer: I own them all~ *gets hit* Okay... Only in the story... *gets hit again* Okaay... Not at all... Just the story idea...
Summary: Sungmin and Kyuhyun are each others best friend and brother. Ever since they were little, they could never be separated. No matter where Kyuhyun went, his older brother tagged along. Just like wherever Sungmin went, the little one tagged alone. That's why they made a promise when they were little, to always stay together. But will that still be like that when they are older? Even after they both go to different schools and meet new people? Will they be able to stop their feelings from changing? And above of that, will they still be able to keep there promise?
a/n: only hve internet once a week!!

Previous Chapter[s]: Introduction+Prologue. - Chapter 1~  - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9  - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12  - Chapter 13  Chapter 14; PART 1  PART 2 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17- Chapter 18; PART 1PART 2 - Chapter 19 - Chapter 20; PART 1 - Chapter 20; PART 2 - Chapter 21

"You're finally here!" Mrs Lee hugged the woman in front of her. Her son has ran away from home and she seriously didn't know what to do anymore. She knew Mrs Cho, better known as Mom Cho since it sounds nicer, could help her with the problem. She didn't want to do it at first since she was to embarrassed to tell her her son was actually dating a boy. But she had no other choice. She had to get someone to help convince her son that it's sick to love other boys. She thought Mrs Cho was the best person for that. Mrs Cho was the best in convincing people.

But what she didn't know, is that Mom Cho is the biggest boy x boy lover ever. She is even pairing her own sons together. Mrs Lee choice the wrong person. Or not?

"I'm totally lost! please help me! Come inside." Mrs Lee gestured her to come inside and let her sit on the couch. Mrs Lee had made tea for Mom Cho and filled a cup for her. She offered some cookies, which Mom ho eated happily, before becoming serious. "You need to help me."

"With what?" Mom Cho asked as she stuffed another cookie in her mouth. She knew well enough why Donghae's mom wanted to talk to her, but she prefered eating some more cookies before giving a speech to the woman in front of her.

"My son ran from home... And I don't know where he is. We can't find him anywhere. You have to help me." Mrs Lee said almost begging.

Mom Cho just laughed and put the cookie on the plate. "You seriously don't know where he is? That's really weird. Even I would know, even if he wouldn't have told me." Mrs Lee looked confused at her, raising her brows. She had no idea what the latter meant. "Why did he leave?" She said sarcastic. But Mrs Lee didn't seem to notice the sarcasm in it.

"Actually... I hate to say it... But my boy is dating a guy. I can't believe it. How could this happen to my boy? He's probably confused or something. Me and my husband came back from work and saw him with a boy. They were way to close. Then he said he was his BOYFRIEND! I can't believe it myself. Please don't hhate my son for this. He will soon recover. I already have a girl for him that likes him. I'm sure he soon will be normal again and fall for girls like he's supposed too." Mrs Lee blurted out frustrated. Mom Cho looked at her like she was a crazy person before laughing out loud. She was slapping her knee as she laughed. She was pretty amused that Mrs Lee actualy thought Donghae would ever forget Eunhyuk. Those two were destined for each other. They were unseparateble, even in school. Mom Cho thought the woman was crazy for actually thinking that.

"You're serious?!" Mom Cho exclaimed laughing. Mrs Lee felt embarrased and thought it was normal for the latter to react like that. It was indeed strange and unbelievable that he son like boys, She nodded embarressed.

"I know it's wrong and strange. You must think my son is sick. Please don't hate him now. he is a good kid and he isn''t g-... gay or anything. Just-"

"NOT GAY?!" Mrs Cho exclaimed surprised. "You really believe that? That's just weird. Those two mean everything to each other~ You can never separate those two. They're more than just in love with each other. You're insane if you think you can break them up." Mom Cho said suddenly serious. Mrs Lee was taken back by the answer. She had no idea what she meant. How come she didn't know tthey were that close?

Mom Cho placed her hand on the shoulder of Donghae's mom. "You shouldn't do what you planned. Just try living with it. Your son loves our Hyukkie and there is nothing you can do about it. I warn you, don't get between them."

"Or what?" Mrs Lee said challenging. She couldn't believe Mrs Cho said that to her. Her son wasn''t in love with thatv Hyukjae boy. It couldn't. He would fall for her workmate's daughter, jessica. She was a beautiful girl which could make every boy in love with her. "You think it won't work? It will. I assure you. Jessicca can make every, I recall every boy in love with her."

"I don't think so. My Minnie not. He only loves Kyu. Kyu is the same, he only loves Min, even though they didn't admit it yet." She mumbled to herself. "But it's the same for Hae and Hyuk! They only love each other and would never fall for some girl."

"I will try anyway. Since you're not going to help-"

"You better don't do it..." Mrs Cho said serious. She sighed when she saw the stubborn face of Mrs Lee. Mrs Lee was about to argue, but Mrs Cho warned her again. "Don't. I'm not telling this for you son or anything. I'm saying this for you." she said worried.


"If you don't want to lose your son. You better stop it. He will hate you if you break him and Hyukjae up. He's his everything. Don't take him away from him. Please. You will only lose your son with it." Mom Cho took a last cookie and stood up, walking to the door. "I'm taking Donghae on vacation with my sons and their friends. I'm gonna make him relax and enjoy his stay with Hyukjae. They deserve it. please think good. If he wouldn't love Hyukjae so much, would he really stay away from you guys while he misses you so much and waited so long for you guys to come home? It's only because he doesn't want to be away from hyukjae. He even gives up his parents for him, so much does he care and love Hyuk." Mom Cho took her coat and put it on, opening the door afterward. She looked once more to Mrs Lee, "It will be your loose if you do it... And by the way. Think again. Where is the place Donghae would want to be while he's sad?"

Mom Cho walked the door out. When she exited the garden Mrs Lee called her from the door opening. "p-please tell me where my Hae is."

Moms Cho sighed and looked pissed at the woman. "In his lover's arms of course. He's with Hyukjae 24/7. Seriously. How could you not know that after all." She said before walking away. Smiling another victorious smile. She knew it would be okay now for the two boys.

Donghae's mom stood guilty in the door opening. how could she be so stupid and not know that. In the end, she was right about something. Mrs Cho was the perfect person to convince people. What she forgot was that she's a person too. Donghae maye wasn't convince by that his love was wrong, that he loved girls not boys and he should leave Eunhyuk, but she was the one who got convinced that it was real love. Donghae loved Eunhyuk and it wasn't wrong at all. She was convinced that Donghae and Eunhyuk should stay together if she didn't want to lose her son. She just needed some time more to accept it. Time would make her acept it for sure. Now only her husband was left to convince.


"Kyuhyun-ah! You're parents are amazing!" Siwon exclaimed.

"He'si rght. I can't believe they invited us all for vacation." Seohyun added.

"I can't wait to go." Kibum said, thinking of him and Changmin spendingvtime together. The others nodded nd agreed to it. They all were very excited for the trip.

"Haha, I'm happy too. Mom did another great job. I missed her plans a lot." Kyuhyun said cheekily, thinking back of all her past plans. He knew his mom did all those things to get him and Sungmin be close. He just didn't know it was for them falling in love. He thought she just wanted them to be close brothers.

"Yeah. Itt's been a while huh?" Yesung agreed. Everyone looked weird at them, not understanding it at all.

"Kyuhyun..." Seohyun said carefully. "Is it okay for me to come to? I mean-" She asked shyly. She was worried he and Sungmin would fight or something because of her. She didn't want that. Sungmin would probably misunderstand it and she understands it if kyuhyun doesn't want her to be there too.

"Yes! Of course! i would be happy." He said with a smile. "We're still friends after all!" He exclaimed, ruffling her hair. She smiled back and continued eating. All the others on the table looked confused at them. They didn't know yet about their break up. They wondered why they said that. Though Yesung and Kibum were happy to hear it. They all stared at the two, trying to get some answer to their question.

"We broke up." Kyuhyun and Seohyun said at the same time. Everyone around was surprised to hear that. The couple of the school actually broke up. Some people already knew it, but most of the people not. Kyuhyun and Seohyun just continued ating as everyone stared at them. Yesung grinned widely and texted Mom Cho immedietly, telling the good news. He also added that she shouldn't tell Sungmin. Later he got a super excited, 4 paged long, text back.


"Sungmin! Minnie!" Ryeowook yelled to the figure who was a few metres away from him. He waved excitedly when the boy turned around with a confused face. Ryeowook ran forward to caught up with him. Once he arrived at the boy's side, he entangled their arms and hugged the latter's. "Minnie, Let's go together to school~!"

"S-Sure." Sungmin said uncertain. Ryeowook hadn't talked with him like that for days. All of sudden he acted normal again. Sungmin wondered what happened. Wasn't he angry anymore. The last time they spoke, he remembered well that the latter didn't want to be friends anymore and never talk again. Of course, Sungmin was more than happy about it, but still... It was strange. Maybe God pitied him and gavve him back his friend and brother, since it as also oing a it better between him and Kyuhyun.. "But... Don't you hate me?"

Sungmin saw his friend shaking his head. He let go of his arm and bowed in front of him. "I'm so sorry, Sungmin-ah. I was an idiot. I didn't mean to yell at you. I shouldn't have been so jealous for not being Yesung's first love. And... I'm sorry for causing even more problems than you already had... You must have gone through a lot f pain" Ryeowook said sadly. He felt guilty for causing even more pain to Sungmin. Seeing the questional look on Sungmin's face, Ryeowook patted the boy's shoulder. "I'm talking about you and Kyuhyun's fight. Yesung told me aboout it. I should have known something was off. Sorry for being such an stupid friend."

"Don't worry, it's okay." Sungmin ruffled Ryeowook's hair. "You had problems on your own. And I'm sorry too, making you think I love Yesung. But I didn't mean too! I was just-" Sungmin looked the other side, thinking back about it made him still feel sad and guilty. He didn't regret reecting him, ut that look on Yesung's face made it hard for him too live with it. Luckily, Yesung had Ryeowook now to make him happy. Sungmin felt already better then. "Wookie..." He hugged his friend tightly. "Please take ccarre of Yesung and love him a lot, okay?"

Ryeowook felt strange when he saw Sungmin's bitter smile. Was Sungmin really not in love with him. "Yesung loved you a lot! Only you, you shouldn't forgt that~" Ryeowook smiled slightly before holding Sungmin's arm too walk ahead. He wanted to know what happened between him and Yesung, but seeing Sungmin's face like that made him afraid too ask. Not just too ask, but also for the answer. He didn't want it to be like before. He made his friend sad. Again. He didn't want to make it worse. He would ask Yesung later about their past. Sungmin must have felt something for Yesung or something. Why did the both lie to him. Yesung liked Sungmin, Sungmin may liked Yesung, since he aways become sad when he talks about it. So something must have happened, right?

"Oh, by the way. Me and Kyuhyun kinda made up yesterday." Sungmin said wih a bright smile. He giggled after thinking of the confession and their night together after such a long time.

"Really? That's great!" Ryeowook exclaimed, but in his head he was still think about the same subject. Yesung and Sungmin. 'Was Kyuhyun also involved in this all? It wouldn't surprise me. I'm so curious now.' Ryeowook glanced at the giggling Sungmin after mentioning Kyuhyun. 'I'm sure of it... Maybe the best thing to do is ask Kyuhyun.' Well... If he wanted a war it was. He shook his head, thinking it's the most stupid thing he could do. Ask the possessive devil a question about Sungmin and another guy was like asking for the death.

They walked a bit longer, when they saw Eunhyuk and Donghae walking hand in hand, swaying them to all the sides. [well actually Donghae was the one doing that] The two were talking lovey-dovey with each other, seeing their grinning faces. Sungmin called them and he and Ryeowook walked up to them.

"Hi guys~" Sungmin said happily.

"Hey, you two made up again?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Yup.And not only the two of us. Sungmin made up with Kyuhyun too." Ryeowook said as happy as Sungmin.

"Really?!" Eunhyuk let go of Donghae, what made Donghae gulp in surprise, and hugged Sungmin. He was happy that it was finally okay. "That's great! How? Who took the first step? "

The four walked to school like they always did. It's been a long time since they walked like this.. Chatting about Kyuhyun and other stuff, laughing together, joking together, teasing each other. It has been way too long. On the way inside the building, they were called by a lot of boys, surrounded and had a couple confessions. They missed even that. Eunhyuk made the confessing people go away easily. Telling them that Sungmin and Kyuhyun had made up again made more than half the people go away. Because even on their school Kyuhyun was well known. Not as the handsome, most popular boy of the Co-Ed school, like he was on his own. But he was more known as the handsome, sweet looking guy who becomes an evil demon who would kill anyone who got near his Sungmin. So everyone was pretty scared for him if Sungmin was in the picture If not, he was a nice guy too everyone and everyone who didn't have a crush on Sungmin, pretty much adored him. They all went to their own locker and gathered at Sungmin's locker, since it was the closest to the classroom. They were happy since they were all together for the first class. They sat down on their seats, Sungmin's behind Donghae's empty seat, Ryeowook on his left, Eunhyuk's in front of Ryeowook and Donghae on Eunhyuk's lap [for now...]

"For some strange reason... My mom came by yesterday, telling me she allows me to go the trip."

"Huh, they didn't let you right, if Hyuk would come?"

"Yeah, you were going without permission."

"Yup, but his mom came to our house yesterday, saying she was sorry and he can go with me."

"That's great then~!" Sungmin and Ryeowook exclaimed cutely.

"Are you sure Ryeowook isn't your brother instead of Kyu... you two are more alike than Kyuhyun and you. Both are always hyper and are cute.

"He's right. The first thing you think of with Sungmin is pure cuteness, with Ryeowook adorable, but Kyuhyun... Kyuhyun is just pure evilness." Donghae continued. Sungmin was about to scold Donghae, but Eunhyuk saved his boyfriend.

"I don't see any cuteness in Kyuhyun at all." Eunhyuk said blunt.

"What? That's not true. Kyunnie is super cute~ Seriously, he's the cutest thing ever~ When he sleeps, when he wakes up, when he simply relax, when he sings, when he smiles, when he dances, when he stares out of the window, when he does dorky things, when he-" Sungmin said cutely like a teenage girl talking about her bias.

"HAHAHAHAHA, That's the funniest thing ever! Kyu and cute. BWUHAHAH, He's a devil I tell you." Dongahe said out looud, while laughing his ass off on Eunhyuk's lap. Sungmin's face became red and murder could be seen in his eyes. Kyuhyun isn't a devil and he is cute! He's like the cutestt thing ever to Sungmin. He was even cuter thn a puppy. Sungmin thought that Kyuhyun was the only person on earth who could beat his cuteness. What do they mean, Kyuhyun not cute. Pff, Kyuhyun was cuteness itself.

"YAH! DON'T TALK LIKE THAT ABOUT MY KY-" Sungmin bursted out.

"When was the trip again?" Eunhyuk changed topic, before Sungmin could hit his boyfriend, or maybe even murder him.

"This weekend~ I'm really looking forward to it!" Ryeowook said excitedly, trying to help Eunhyuk. He didn't want his friend to go to prison yet.He was too young... And cute.

"Me also~ The thoughts of seeing Kyuhyun and his girlfriend together for more than 72 hours isn't making me too excited though..." Sungmin said excited but ended sadly, thinking about Kyuhyun and his girlfriend. They already talked about it and such. Kyuhyun confessed he wanted him for his own. But Seohyun still botthered him. He should talk that over with Kyuhyun later. He wondered if Kyuhyun would break u with her for him. 'no Sungmin! Yoou can't be that selfish!'

"Haha, you should." Eunhyuk replied.

"Why should he?" Donghae sked confused.

"Yeah, Why? Seeing Kyu and a girl together for days isn't really anything to get excited about."

"If you think good. Kyuhyun, you, made up? I think you should worry more about his girlfriend, no?"

"Seriously... I don't get it..." Sungmin muttered, the other tw nodding in agreement.

"I think Kyuhyun won't leave your side. It's been the first time for him to be so long away from you. He wouldn't let go of you even a second if you were near BEFORE the fight, try imagen how clever he will become AFTER the fight. He will probably be stuck on you for those 72 hours. Poor Seohyun, she won't get any attention at all." Eunhyuk stated.

"Ahh~ My Hyukkie is right!"

"Really?" Sungmin grinned, liking the idea of Kyuhyun being stuck on him for so long.

"He has a point there." Ryeowook giggled. "I guess we won't be able to spent time with Sungmin then." The other two nodded in agreement.

Sungmin snorted. "Yeah sure. Blame it on Kyuhyun. If we didn't make up, I would have been alone the whole weekend. You guys are the ones who wouldn't leave eacch other and instead leave ME alone."

"Sungmin also has a point. Then Sungmin-ah, be happy you made up, or else you would be forever alone on the beach. But if Eunhyuk isn't right... Then it means you'll be all~ alone!" Donghae smiled innocent, as if he didn't just tell his best friend that he's all alone, while all his friends have boyfriend to spent time with instead of spending it with him. Eunhyuk smacked Donghae's head lightly.

"Idiot." Eunhyuk shook his head. "Why is my boyfriend such an idiot..."

Donghae looked with a face filled with terror to his boyfriend. He couldn't believe he just said that. "WHAT! YOU'RE SUCH A MEANIE MONKEY!" Donghae hhuffed and crossed his arms, looking forward with a stern face. His look softened and he got teary eyes when Eunhyuk didn't say anything. He prepared the cutest pout and uppy eyes, before slowly turning his head to Eunhyuk. He put some extra effect on his puppy eyes and his pout moved. "Y-You're n-not... taking that back?" He said as he made his pout bigger talking in his aegyo voice..

Eunhyuk couldn't believe what he saw. It was surely the most cutest thing ever. He couldn't breath for a moment and right when he caught his breath again, he kissed donghae right on the lips. Donghae gapd in surprised, what gave Eunhyuk an opportunity to enter his hot cavern. The two made out in the middle of the classroom, while moaning softly. The whole class was staring at them.

Ryeowook and Sungmin rolled their eyes and continued talking about the trip as if their best friend were't PDA-ing on the fullest in the middle of the classroom. Yeah, the hot make out didn't just stay as a hot kissing session, but well... a bit more. If it wasn't for the teacher coming in [he almost got a heartattack seeing the lovely... couple, they probably would have been really half naked now. They literally forget the whole world, once they share a 'kiss'. If you can still call that a kiss...

-end chapter 22-

Waah, I miss everyone!!
I promise to reply the previous comments soon!!

let's stay together forever, kyumin

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