Finding lost time: Chapter 9.

Dec 15, 2010 17:19

Title: Finding lost time. (ver. 2)
Part: 9/?
[for this chap]Characters/Pairings: KyuMin, MinSu. Eunhyuk.
Genre: Fluff, romance, angst, drama, family, friendship.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own them Lalala~
Summary: Just when Kyuhyun thought it could only get better. He realized he was wrong.
A/N: Waah been so long since i last wrote this... Still on hiatus for this fic, so next chapter won't come in a while...

Previous chapters: intro - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7- 8 

Chapter 9:

"He has to stay here for a month more, till he's fully recovered, since it's still going really bad."

"Thank you, doctor. About his memor-"

"We still don't know if he'll get them back. We have to observe him first. I'm sorry."

"It's okay... Thank you doctor."


"Minnie, you still don't remember?"

"I'm sorry, Kyu"


'Ding~ Dong~'

"Coming!" Ryeowook walked to the door and opened it. His eyes widened as he saw who it was and his cheeks were getting a light red glow.

"Y-Yesung-shii!" Yesung chuckled at the -shii that Ryeowook was still using even until now.

"Good evening, Ryeowook-shii." Yesung smiled at Ryeowook.

"w-What are you d-doing here?" He asked curious and shyly. "By any change... Are you looking for Sungm-" He said a bit more comfortable than before, but got interrupted by Yesung.

"Aniyo, I was looking for you actually." Ryeowook was totally surprised by his words. YESUNG WAS LOOKING FOR HIM!!!

"M-me? W-Why?" He still couldn't believe that Yesung was looking for HIM!


"Hyung... I love him..."

"I already know that, but he doesn't. You should tell that to him already!!"

"You're right! I should! Thanks, Hyukkie~ I'm going to his home now."

Kyuhyun waved at Eunhyuk and walked happy away. He was on his way to meet Sungmin. After all this time he was finally sure to confess to him. Nothing could stop him now. He kind of regretted now for running away. He wanted to kiss him, touch him longer than that. He wanted to tell him everything. About them dating, their first kiss, their first date, everything. But he realized he was another person right now. After months of trying getting back his memories, he gave up. He knew he had to start over again. The other wasn't loving him like before anymore. But now, he felt like he had a change again. Sungmin may not get his memories back, but that doesn't mean he can't make new ones. THEY can still start over again. After this afternoon, Kyuhyun knew the latter felt the same for him, once again. Just like in the past. And with that, he wasn't going to let him go another time. He was gonna hold onto him. He was gonna take him back again. He was going to confess his undying love... Again...

He happily ran toward Sungmin's house to confess. His smile wasn't leaving his face the whole way,until he finally reached the latters street. His smile faded when he saw Sungmin. Not just Sungmin. Sungmin and Junsu.

The two of them have been close recently. Too close for Kyuhyun's liking. Junsu was always hanging around Sungmin, more than the other members.

Sungmin seemed really happy with Junsu. They were laughing together. Kyuhyun looked with jealously at the couple. He hated that Junsu was so close with Sungmin, and that he could make Sungmin smile like that. Kyuhyun decided to go to the two. He was about to walk when Junsu said something and Sungmin got a shade of red on his face. He was moving shyly and avoided Junsu's stare at him. Junsu grabbed his chin and shove his head closer to Sungmin, now touching his lips probably. Junsu kissed him and didn't move away. Kyuhyun didn't know what to do. He was hurt.

He turned around and walked away. His confession was cancelled. He couldn't do it anymore. He was right, Sungmin can make new memories and start over again, even if the person he does it with wasn't him, but another person. Sungmin and him where just friends... Just best friends. Nothing more. Nothing less...

The way back to home was blank for him. Or the fact that he never came home at all. He didn't remember anything. He only knew that he woke up at 11 in the evening on a bench along the river side in the park. He didn't think much about it. His head was blank. He went to eat something, sat on the sofa and thought. Thought about Sungmin...


"Thank you, Min-ah. I feel kind of bad for bringing you into this" Junsu said to Sungmin and smiled anxiously. "I hope me and Yoochun will make up soon. I kinda miss him. Again, thank you." Sungmin smiled at Junsu's behaviour. It was cute. He shook his head lightly.

"It's nothing, you can always come to me if you have another problem. Okay? I won't be bothered by it. Yoochun and you should make up soon!" Sungmin winked and put up his thumb. Junsu smiled too, but both their smiled soon turned into laughter.

"Min-ah~ You haven't told me something..." Junsu pouted and looked at the confused Sungmin. Sungmin didn't remember having to say to Junsu.

"Whatcha mean?" Sungmin frowned and Junsu started to giggle.

"You know, rumours go around really fast~" Sungmin looked more confused, what made Junsu sigh. "I'm talking about yours and Kyuhyun's intimate moment at school today!"

"W-what... H-how did you know?" Junsu laughed. Sungmin tried to hide his face. It burned up and surely became red already. The touches of Kyuhyun still lingered on his waist. He could still feel Kyuhyun's lips lingering on his neck, from the kisses and nibbles. He could still hear Kyuhyun's soft words through his ears, saying his name sexily. Sungmin felt like fainted from the hotness, that still overflowed in his body. Junsu laughed more at this and moved his head forward, stopping close to sungmin's face.

"So you and kyuhyun...?" he smirked. "Seeing your face like that, it musn't have been that inoccent huh? Tell me everyhing about it!" Sungmin blushed even more and tried to avoid Junsu's gaze. He turned his face and shook his head, while closing his eyes tightly close. When he opened his eyes he saw the back of a leaving figure. He stood straight and tried to see better and he was right about who he thought he saw. It was Kyuhyun. Junsu looked confused at Sungmin and then turned to the side where Sungmin was staring at intentionally. He couldn't figure out where he was looking at as he turned to Sungmin again, only to find a big grin on his face. He slowly looked forward.

"KYU!! KYUHYUN!!" He shouted as he walked a bit further, but the figure didn't look back, so he tried again. "KYUHYUN-AH!!" Sungmin frowned since the boy still didn't look behind. He knew it was Kyuhyun. He was 100% sure. But he wondered why he came, without saying hi to him. And when he left, the figure didn't turn around when he called him. Sungmin sighed a sigh full of sadness. Maybe he's wearing a earphone...

"Sungmin? You saw Kyuhyun?" Junsu asked curiously. He didn't see Kyuhyun at all. "You sure you didn't see a ghost or something?"

Sungmin answered with a nod, still looking at the place where he saw Kyuhyun. Though he already couldn't see him. Can I still catch up with him? Don't think so.

"I think I have to go, it's getting late." Sungmin just nodded once again, but this time he turned his face to Junsu and smiled. Junsu giggled, "You know. Me and Yoochun are into this because we had many misunderstandings. Because we love each other so much, we did stupid things and thought stupid things." Sungmin didn't understand where this was going. Junsu suddenly began about Yoochun again. "What I mean is... Please be careful with Kyuhyun. Both of you are like us. You love each other so much that you guys are afraid to be left by the other." Sungmin understood it a bit, but not fully what Junsu meant. "Don't let misunderstandings like that with Seohyun happen that often okay." Sungmin finally understood it and smiled and nodded. "You should hurry up and confess, before it's too late, okay?"

"Thank you Junsu, You're right!" Sungmin finally spoke, "But... I'm not sure if he really lik-"

"OF COURSE HE LOVES YOU!" Junsu exclaimed, "Everyone knows that already! It's kind of obvious to everyone but you." He smirked.

"Maybe, I should confess then! I'm gonna confess tomorrow! Once again, Thank you Junsu." Sungmin bowed slightly while smiling bright. He was so happy to hear that Kyuhyun really, really liked him. He knew it after today's happening. But was still not sure about it. Now he was, and he was sure to confess to him.

"I'm going now! Good luck with Kyuhyun, Minnie~" Junsu waved, Sungmin waved back.

"Thank you, and good luck with Yoochun too~ I'll cheer for you!" He said smiling. Junsu went away. Just when Sungmin wanted to enter his garden he realized something. WAIT! OF COURSE KYUHYUN CAME FOR ME!! HE DOESN'T KNOW ANYONE HERE! Did he leave... because he misunderstood me and Junsu?

Sungmin ran away as fast as he could. Oh no, ohno! Kyuhyun must felt hurt!

-end chapter 9-

A/N: Yeah I know,,, this fic was on hiatus, and still is.... But I suddenly got the urge to write this. I don't think this fic had any readers btw... I should've wrote LSTF... I know.... but this... I missed writing this fic so much T_____T Gonna upload LSTF, soon~~ Hopefully... A spoiler for it... then?? Seohyun won't leave for awhile, since the fic was based on Min's jealousy toward SeoKyu... Maybe... SeoKyu will date next chapter... keke, I'm evil I know~~ *gets shot*

fluff, chaptered, yewook, kyumin, idols, fanfics, eunhae, angst, romance, finding lost time (kpop)

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