May 03, 2004 22:14
A Poem about Crack
I see crack now
Pull up your pants, but how?
Possibly with a leather belt
If not, I’ll give you a welt
I’d hit you so hard, a nice smack
Then guess what? No more crack!
A Poem about Swimming at the Pool
It is so damn hot
I got a thought
Walk over to the pool
Jump in to get cool
I’ll get tan
And stare at a hot man
It’ll be fun
Under the sun
An Ode to the Calculator
All day long I push your numbers
Then at night I turn you off to get back to your slumbers
I put in variables to draw a graph
I play your games- they make me laugh
You were tons of fun
I’m sorry you died because I left you in the sun
A Poem about Flip-Flops & My Ticket
I got pulled over by a cop
Lewis, Doris
I don’t know what to say
Everything you’ve done
I could never repay
You were the smartest
You were the hardest
Once you made me cry
I thought I was going to die
I can’t thank you for all you’ve done
Lewis, Doris your my favorite teacher
Hands down you won
Runs so fast
And schools me
C-building is where we met
Huffing & puffing in those soccer games
Eventually she’ll become Mormon
Leaving the cherry-coke behind
Talking on AIM until 2am
Almost until the sun rises
Most of the time we go to the gym
And sometimes we flake
Now a few last words
A good friend