Jun 26, 2005 11:15
So i leave for spain tomorrow. I'm so nervous, excited, ready, no ready, happy, sad, curious...I don't know. I don't see how its possible to put a month's worth of clothes into 1 suitcase. I just don't. Kelly's posts and Allison's posts have given me hope for a strong start to the trip. At least I'll have 2 friends in the country if i ever need to flee.
Last night my grandma was hospitalized for something i don't even know... i think she's better now, but all the phone calls last night and possible trips today are kind of stressful and worry me more. And my brother just left for camp today.
Back to the spain note. I'm bringing a digital camera, but i doubt i'll be able to post pictures seeing as how technologically incapable i am. I'm also bringing disposible cameras for that reason. I'll try and email and post as much as possible and send postcards. BTW, you can send stuff to me in spain to:
my name
Lacunza-Escuela Internacional
Mundaiz, 8
20012 San Sebastian
so send me love letters everyday (for the 1st 2 weeks, since it might take awhile to get there)
and tell ppl like andrea and sarrah and cristina and ariel who don't read this that much or at all.
So what else? I'll be in and out today getting the right forms of $$$$ and shopping for good walking shoes. Yesterday i went shopping for gifts for my homestay family: i got them GUESS WHO?, a futbol americano (a nerf football), a san francisco picture book, and i'm making the 3 kids mix CDs. Oh yeah, i never told you guys about my homestay family...they have 3 kids...girl-13; boy-12; girl-9; as a family, they like to play tennis and ping pong and go bike riding. on the weekends they like to go to the beach and to the mountains. they live 10 min away from the beach and a 5 min. bus ride from the school i'm going to.
i also put together a mini photo album to show them--pictures of me and my family, my cousins, my room, my house, and of course my friends.
So tata for now, hasta luego. Adios mis amigas. I love you and i'll miss you horribly. write to me lots. i'll try to update and write too. If you email me, email me at casti email because i can't figure out how to access my mintmagic email from other computers (go figure). if you email me, i'll email you back.
I get back in a month (i'll be home for like 2-3 days, then i'm going to Africa for 2 weeks)