So hard to be so far out living our separate lives

Jan 06, 2007 11:11

Title: Rumor Control
Fandom: RPF
Characters: Jensen Ackles/Eliza Dushku,implied Jared/Jensen
Rating: G
Prompt: Mystery
Word count: 100
Note: Blame this scan. I couldn't help myself, it was begging for it.

Eliza wasn’t stupid. She’d heard the rumors, just like everyone else. Well actually, they weren’t so much as rumors as the giddy daydreams of fangirls with a little too much time on their hands.

Not that the idea of Jared and Jensen getting down and dirty in their trailers wasn’t tempting, because that was definitely something she wouldn’t mind seeing. Hell, she might even believe it if Jensen wasn’t climbing into her bed every night.

Jared was just a touchy feely kinda guy, that explained everything, right? Well, maybe not everything…

“Uh, Jensen?”


“Why does Jared call you Smeckles?”

jensen ackles, jensen/eliza, jensen/jared, eliza dushku, 13drabbles

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