Title:A Not So Pleasant Surprise
Fandom: BtVS
Characters: Harmony/Spike
Season: 4
Rating: G
Prompt: Surprise
Written For:
btvsats_love “Surprise!” She yelled, plopping what appeared to be a cone shaped hat with a unicorn on it onto his head.
“Harm, what in the hell are you doing?”
“Well you’ve just been so grouchy lately and I wondered why. So, I stole one of Mr. Giles’ books and started reading and then I knew!”
Spike rolled his eyes, yanking the hat off his head. “Knew what, you nitwit?”
“That it’s your birthday!” Harmony exclaimed. “You really shouldn’t be self conscious about it, Spikey. Don’t look a day over twenty, even though you’re really-”
“Say it aloud, and I stake you.”