Did you like the cookies?

Dec 18, 2006 14:51

Title: Holiday Surprise
Fandom: Angel
Characters: Harmony and Wes
Season: 5
Rating: G
Prompt: Light
Written For: open_on_sunday

“Harmony, you really can‘t have all these lights up. We can‘t really show a bias towards Christmas...”

“They’re holiday lights.”

“Um, well, I suppose,” Wes said awkwardly. “But you will take them down?”

Harmony sighed. “Well, I guess so. Does this mean I have to get rid of the cookies?”

“Cookies?” he asked, brightening.

“Yeah, you want some?” She grinned, waving a plate under his nose.

Wesley smiled as he took a bite. “These are quite good, Harmony. I like the strawberry jam in the middle.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Probably should have warned you, Wes. Uh, that’s not jam.”

drabbles, open on sunday, wesley wyndam-pryce, harmony kendall

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