So, can I go now?

Dec 04, 2006 18:35

Title: Special Skills
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Characters: Xander/Cordy
Season: 3
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: making preparations
Written For: open_on_sunday

“I can’t believe I’m here on a Saturday,” Cordy moaned from her perch on the library desk.

“Sorry to cut into your busy Dawson’s Creek watching schedule.”

“Shows how much you know. Now, I know this may come as a shock, Xander, but some of us are going to go to this biiiig brick building called college next year and need time to fill out our applications.”

“And what are your extracurricular activities, bitchery and accessorizing?”

Cordy rolled her eyes before looking at the stake in her hand in a whole new light. “Think Columbia would be impressed by woodworking?”

xander/cordy, xander harris, cordelia chase, drabbles, open on sunday

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