Title: Happy Endings
Pairing: Shannon/Boone, although it's more of a Boone centric deal
Rating: G
Written for:
30_angstsPrompt:11. Books (~Never really mine)
Most of Boone’s childhood was spent in places that never really existed. Sabrina never understood why her son spent so much time shut up in his room with his books when other little boys were doing things like playing baseball and catching frogs. Although she was somewhat grateful for the latter.
She didn’t understand that he was lonely, locked away in a mansion that he’d come to think of as one of those fairytale castles he had read so much about, and he a prince was locked in a tower with no one to talk to.
Sabrina may not have understood her son’s loneliness, but the never ending string of nannies did, they brought him anything from C.S. Lewis to Shel Silverstein and he devoured every word. He didn’t need imaginary friends, because someone had already imagined them for him. He could wander Middle Earth with Frodo and Sam (he had promised his nanny Natalie that it wouldn’t give him nightmares) rescue Tigerlilly with Peter, or rule Narnia with Lucy and Edmund. They were his friends, more real to him than anyone, especially Sabrina.
People like that had to exist, and adventures like that had to be out there somewhere, right? Why else would everyone write them down? He just wished he could meet someone like that. Someone real, someone magical, someone just for him.
Then, Shannon came along and his wish sort of came true. She was new, exciting, and every bit as beautiful as any princess in any of his stories. They reenacted every scene they could ever think of, with their own little adjustments of course, (because there was never any chance of Shannon playing anything as hairy and silly as a hobbit) and it had finally seemed like magic existed. A world where happy endings were always right around the corner, if you just hung in there a little bit longer.
It’s funny the things you’ll believe in when you’re that little, but then again, who wasn’t just a little naïve? But as Boone watched Shannon walk down the aisle, he realized one thing. It really was stupid to believe in magic and fairy tales for as long as he did.
Happy endings don’t exist, even if there is a beautiful girl in a long flowing gown. And even if they did, they wouldn’t be for everyone.
There wasn’t one for him, and this definitely wasn’t hers.