Title: Bedtime Stories
Fandom:Vegan Rockstar Verse
Characters: Hope, Hunter/Grace
Rating: PG-13 for bad smut!books
Disclaimer:All belongs to
vylentcrymz and I
Notes: It's my betime story too, I'm half asleep so no promises it doesn't suck, CJ!
Hope did a belly flop onto her silky pink comforter, copy of Rachel and the Rogue in hand. “I seriously love this book. I never expected Raul to be the guy who saved Rachel from that gypsy who wanted to rape her. It’s so romantic,” she swooned.
Grace made a face before popping some more popcorn into her mouth. “Rape is romantic? That’s kinda warped, Hope.”
She sighed. “Not the rape, dork. I meant Raul saving her!”
“What kind of name is Raul anyway? I mean, who says, Wow, Raul’s a cool name I should name my firstborn that.”
“I like it,” Hope protested. “It’s exotic.”
“So, he’s like Spanish or something?”
“Nope! He’s actually an impoverished English lord who lost all his money due to his stepmother’s gambling habit.”
“What the hell?”
“It’s sad!” Hope exclaimed, smacking her shoulder. “Besides, he sounds extremely hot. Kinda like Antonio Banderas with Hugh Grant’s accent.”
“Ick, now there’s a weird image.”
Hope shushed her. “Quiet, you! It’s the good part.”
“Let me guess, Raul and Rachel are making sweet, sweet love?” Grace paused, waiting for an answer. “Hope?”
Her answer never came, not until Hope was done her five pages of flowery porn at least. “Here, just read it,” she urged Grace, holding out the book.
She rolled her eyes before taking the book, skimming it unenthusiastically. “She has petticoats!?”
“It’s set in eighteenth century France,” Hope explained as if it was completely obvious. “Keep reading.”
Her blue eyes widened as she reread the sentence in front of her. “He impaled her with his hot swollen man sword of love!?”
She nodded, listlessly flipping through the channels.
“This is so unrealistic, Grace!”
“How would you know?”
“I…I don’t,” Grace stammered nervously, trying not to blush. “I just don’t think Raul would keep calling her his beautiful angel as he impaled her with his man sword.”
Hope shrugged. “Whatever. It’s still my favorite book by Scarlett Stefani. Okay, maybe not as good as Barbara and the Barbarian, but still pretty awesome.”
“She wrote a book called Barbara and the Barbarian!?”
She nodded, muffling a yawn with the back of her hand. “Uhuh. I’ll let you borrow it if you want.”
“I’m good, thanks. You tired?”
“Yeah, I’m gonna go to bed. You?”
“Think I’m gonna have a midnight snack first. Night, Hope.”
Grace watched her friend snuggle up to her pillow before sneaking down the hallway and into Hunter’s room. “Hunter,” she stage whispered. “Baby, you up?”
“Mmm… Gracie?” he murmured sleepily, raising his head slowly.
She bit back a grin. “Hey, you. Mind if I crash in here?”
“Yeah, sure.” He threw back his covers and grinned as she snuggled up to him. “What’s the matter? My sister driving you nuts?”
“It’s awful,” she groaned. “She’s making me read porntastic bedtime stories about Raul’s man sword.”
Hunter giggled, nuzzling her neck. “Where’s this Raul guy, I’ll kick his ass.”
She grinned, kissing the corner of his mouth. “Doesn’t matter. Tell me a bedtime story, a good one.”
“About Tigerlilly and Peter?”
She nodded sleepily. “Well, Tigerlilly never did like Wendy, so she called on the Great Spirit to send her far, far away.”
“Good. Never did like her,” she murmured.
“Nobody does. So anyway, Peter found out and went to her teepee and…” Hunter trailed off, looking down at the sleeping Grace with her head on his chest. “Doesn’t matter,” he whispered. “Goodnight, Gracie.”