Title: Antacids and Little White Lies
Pairing: Eliza Dushku/Jensen Ackles, mention of Christian Kane
Rating: PG-13 for mild language
Disclaimer: Never happened, not even once, although
awoken and I like to dream.
A week hadn’t even passed before Jensen got another chance to talk with Eliza. He was just getting out of the shower when he spotted his cell phone dangerously close to vibrating off his nightstand. After nearly taking a dive after tripping over his comforter (and almost losing his towel in the process) he snatched it up.
“Hello?” he asked breathlessly, running a hand up the back of his neck.
“Oh, is this a bad time?” the voice on the other end asked cautiously.
Jensen took a deep breath and fought the urge to give himself a well deserved smack in the forehead. God knows what Eliza was thinking after he answered the phone panting like a porn star.
“Eliza,” he said calmly. “Hey, sorry about that. Just got in so, had to run to catch the phone,” he lied.
“It’s cool. Where were you? I called before,” she admitted, suddenly cringing at how lame she sounded.
“I was at the gym. I had to work off that cheeseburger. Getting up there, you know. I can’t eat whatever I want anymore. It goes straight to my thighs.”
She laughed. “Well, now maybe you’ll think twice before challenging a master.”
“Hey, I let you win!”
“Oh really?”
“So you were groaning and asking me for antacids because…” she teased.
“Hey!” he protested. “I’m an actor remember? I was showing off my skills.”
“Very impressive,” she said with a grin. “That’s why I called actually.”
“You found some Pepto Bismol?” he joked.
“Have some in my medicine cabinet, actually. I was wondering if you’d wanna meet up again. We really didn’t get to talk shop so much as mock each other while stuffing our faces. I’ll even bring the Pepto if you wanna come with.”
“I guess,’ he said after a deliberate pause. Wouldn’t wanna sound too eager after all. “Where exactly are we going? Don’t think I could take a pie eating contest, Dushku.”
She smiled a little, considering the options before answering. “We could meet up for coffee if you like, even take a tour of the set if you want.”
“Coffee sounds good,” he said quickly. He kind of liked the idea of having Eliza to himself, and a set would mean introductions to people he would have plenty of time to get to know later. “Gym tired me out,” he explained. “I could use the caffeine boost.”
She nodded. “Alright. I’ll meet you at the Starbucks on Seventh?”
“Perfect. See you in an hour?”
“See ya,” she chirped, getting ready to hang up her phone.
“Wait! Eliza?”
“Um, how did you get my number?”
She bit her lip, grateful that phones weren’t equipped with video yet so he wouldn’t see just how embarrassed she was. “You gave it to me, remember?”
“Not really,” he admitted. “I must have been too busy what with the potential food poisoning.”
“Oh, so now the fact that you’re a total lightweight is called food poisoning!?”
“Just shut up and get your butt over to Starbucks,” he said with a grin. Jensen got a giggle and a click in response and he stood there grinning like an idiot before he was in a towel and had little time to fuck around considering that Starbucks was at least fifteen minutes away. And not to sound like a girl or anything, but he wanted to look somewhat presentable.
He made it over there with five minutes to spare, settling for his leather jacket, despite the unusually hot spring weather and found Eliza already at a table, trying to blot a latte stain off her white sundress.
“Technical difficulties?” he asked with a grin.
“Perfect timing,” she said bitterly. “This was brand new!”
“Poor baby. Hate to see you with a few in your system, if the whole using a cup when you’re sober thing is difficult.”
“Very funny,” she said dryly, lifting her napkin. “Okay, be honest… can you notice it?”
Jensen squinted. It then occurred to him that checking out Eliza’s rack wouldn’t be the best way to hit it off with her so he smiled and shook his head. “Nah, if anyone’s looking that closely anyway, you should smack them.”
“Thanks for the tip,” she said with a grin, taking another very careful sip of her drink.
“So what was it that you wanted to talk about?”
“I have a confession,” she said meekly.
“I’m all ears.”
“I kind of lied to get you over here.”
“I was thinking about Christian‘s band and…”
“Oh yeah! Wow, forgot you’ve worked with Chris before!” Jensen exclaimed.
“I have. He’s a total sweetheart, but… can I ask you for one teeny tiny favor?”
“Anything that doesn’t involve me in a dress, or in a jail in Tijuana.”
She smiled. “I have a friend who would totally dig the band. The problem is, I lost Chris’ number so…”
“You can’t call to arrange things,” he said grimly. “I’ll call him for you even, need to talk to him anyway.”
“You’re a lifesaver,” she said gratefully.
“Actually, that’s kinda your job.”
Jensen grinned, leaning back in the chair. This was perfect, he could call Chris and get all kinds of dirt on Eliza. He was so pleased with himself that he didn’t even think about the fact that she knew at least twenty other people with that number, but had chosen to call him.
That was a question for another day.