Title: Secret Stuff
Fandom:Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Characters: Dawn & Spike
Rating: PG
Prompt: Writing and/or Convention
Written For:
open_on_sunday “What are you always doing with that book of yours?”
Dawn shrugged. “Stuff.”
“Stuff? Well, that explains everything.”
She sighed, rolling her eyes in an almost perfect imitation of big sis. “I write down stuff I think. I write about what the Scoobies are doing… you know, stuff like that.”
“Well, sell that to the right publisher and you’ll be famous. Not to mention bloody loaded. Try not to forget all about dear old Spike when you move into your mansion, yeah?”
“Promise,” she said softly, blushing the tiniest bit.
“Hey, is there stuff about me in there!?”
“You wish!”