At the edge of the ocean

Jul 07, 2006 13:38

This journal might be a little spammy today I need 4 more drabbles to finish my 100 and I am determined to finish before I go on vacation.

Title: Finding the Bright Side
Fandom: Lost
Characters: Claire, Shannon, mentions of Boone
Prompt: Rebirth
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Season 1

Claire couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt as she watched Shannon sitting by the fire. It felt wrong to be so happy when she was in so much pain.

They probably wouldn’t even talk to each other under normal circumstances, Shannon seemed like one of those girls who didn’t give the time of day to anybody.

As she looked at her son, she couldn’t help but think that whole life and death going hand in hand thing made perfect sense, and maybe, sometimes, good things came out of that.

Maybe, in time, Shannon would see that too.

shannon/boone, claire littleton, drabbles100

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