I can't see you, but I know you're there

Jun 05, 2006 19:49

These drabbles are a result of this meme
Not all of them are the ideal word count (100 words) and are of various fandoms. If anybody else wants one,feel free to comment.

Under the cut:

Two:Lost/Jossverse crossovers (Shoone, Lilah & Boone, Xanya)
One: Xander/Cordy
One: Charlie/Claire (S2 spoilers)

Bargaining (Angel the series/Lost crossover with Shannon/Boone and Lilah Morgan for juliet42)

He’s a lot prettier than the usual clientele that walk into my office. He definitely looks the part of rich boy, and I guess that’s how he got my card. Then again, Sabrina Carlyle’s kid definitely has to have connections.

She was here a few years back, something about cutting out some brat out of a will.

“How can I help you today?” I ask, plastering on my best go-getter grin.

He doesn’t smile back, just slides a picture of some skinny little blonde across the table. “Just give me her, you guys do that, right?”

“True love?”

“Something like that.”

The Wedding Planner (BTVS/Lost crossover with Xander and Boone for teh_brandon)

I fold my hands on the table, smiling a little. “So, my mom tells me you two are getting married in a few weeks.”

“Yes,” says the woman, patting her fiancé’s arm. “And you're clearly just talking to waste my money. Now, I’m thinking I want flowers. Pretty flowers, but not too pricey. You hear what I’m saying, Jack?”

“Boone,” I correct.

“Whatever. So Boone, do you have…”

“Anya!,” he says sharply. “Look, can I talk to Boone alone?”

The blonde sighs. “Whatever. Just don’t spend any money. These guys are tricky.”

“Sorry,” he says sheepishly. “She’s a little…”

“Intense?” I offer.


I laugh, sliding him a brochure across the table. “You’re not alone, trust me. I sorta know a girl just like her.”

“Somehow, I doubt that,” he says with a small smile.

The Break-Up (A BTVS drabble with Xander/Cordy for decadentdream

"Harmony says we should break up."

"Oh, Harmony says so," he says through a mouthful of tuna fish sandwich. "Oh she’s a real smart one."

"Everyone’s saying it, Xander. Even Buffy and Willow, I’m just giving you the facts. And for the love of God; would it kill you to use a napkin?!" she asks, disgusted, tossing one in his direction.

He swallows, confused. "So, are you breaking up with me?"

"No I’m… yes, Xander. We’re broken up. We’re over. It was sort of nice knowing you, goodbye."

"Okay!" he calls after her. "I’ll meet you in the janitor’s closet after fourth period!"

Talking (Lost drabble with Charlie/Claire for awoken S2 finale spoilers!!!)

It was just a kiss. Not even a kiss, really, just a peck, but for some reason he couldn’t get it out of his mind.

At times like these, he would usually just ask Hurley for advice. Then again, Hurley wasn’t his usual self these days, and with good reason.

So Charlie decided to go down to Claire’s shelter and have a little talk. If he happened to get all tongue tied, which was a very likely possibility; he could just say he had come round to see Aaron. It wasn’t exactly a lie, and at least he’d get to see her.

To tell the truth, he had thrown himself into work with Eko just to take his mind off her. He knew he had probably ruined things beyond the telling of it, but there was always the faintest spark of hope, and now he knew she felt it too.

“Hey, Claire,” he said a little too chipper. “I came to talk.”

“Charlie,” she said with a wide grin. “I wasn’t expecting you! Come and sit. Grab some sand.” She patted the ground next to her, then gestured over to the baby’s crib. “He’s asleep though, so might wanna keep quiet. Can always get Sun if you wanna take a walk.”

“Oh, no… no…I’m good, thanks. Talking is…very nice.”

She giggled, patting his arm gently. “You okay, Charlie? I think maybe you’ve gotten too much sun.”

“Oh no! I’m…oh, bullocks,” he said, capturing her lips with his. The kiss was soft at first, a little less chaste than the one before it, he didn’t want to scare her after all.

“What… was that for?” Claire asked, her cheeks turning slightly redder than usual.

“Um, a thank you for the last one?”

“Hmmm…think you might have to try again,” she teased, leaning in for another.

Storytelling (Seth/Jessica for carly_took

“Now, after Jessica and I crossed through the sweaty, awful jungle, guess what we saw?”

“A flower?” Kelly asks with slightly toothless grin.

I grin. “Nope! Did you lose a tooth, Kel?”

“Yup! The tooth fairy came too, and she left me five dollars,” she says excitedly, holding up five fingers.

“Wow, tooth fairy must’ve gotten richer than when I was little.” I make a face, wow way to sound old, huh?

“Can you just finish the story?” Jake asks with a groan. “I’m getting soooo bored.”

I know teachers are supposed to be infinitely patient and saintly and all, but that kid really gets on my nerves.

“Sure,” I say flatly. “Anyway, we saw a polar bear!”

“Polar bears don’t live in the jungle! I think you’re making it up.”

I sigh. Maybe I can send him to the principal’s office on the grounds of being a pain in the ass.

“He’s right, you know. It was a huge polar bear,” says a voice from the doorway.

I can’t help but smile. I’d know that voice anywhere. “Look guys, it’s Jessica!”

There’s a chorus of, “hey Jessica!” and I walk over and give her a hug, whispering, “What are you doing here?”

“Shoot finished early,” she murmurs against my neck. “Just wanted to see you.”

“So, while you’re here… can you kill Jake?”

charlie/claire, drabbles, claire littleton, boone carlyle, anya, xander/cordy, xander harris, shannon/boone, cordelia chase, anya/xander, shannon rutherford

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