OMGZ! Harm & Cordy= BFF!

Apr 27, 2006 18:44

Character:Harmony Kendall
Rating: G
Prompt:What's your best memory and why?
Written for: btvsats_20

My favorite memory, huh? God, this is gonna sound so very lame and girly, but I guess my favorite memory has to be my seventh grade slumber party.

I invited all my best gal pals: Cordy, Hannah, even that loser Marie, even though I so didn't have to. See, I'm very generous in that way. Okay, okay! She sorta promised to get me the new Backstreet Boys CD if I did.

Anyway, we had so much fun that night. We pigged out on candy corn and pineapple pizza.

God, I would kill for that kind of metabolism now.

Actually, I don't really need to worry about food anymore, so go me!

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, we called Willow and told her Xander wanted to take her to the seventh grade Halloween dance.

She totally freaked out, it was really kinda lame. I mean, she was way excited, but, it was just... I dunno, fun! Maybe it was because those were the good old days, back when me and Cordy were friends. I guess I miss having a girl type friend to talk to.

Then again, I had a retainer back then, and who wants to relive that horror?

cordelia chase, harmony kendall

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