Title: Beyond Neon Lights
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: G
Note:This takes place in the
The Devil’s in the Details verse because it’s slowly eating away my brain.
Word Count:200
The bright neon sign they parked in front of an hour earlier casts a harsh glare even through the thick beige curtains, but Sam’s too exhausted to even think about shutting them.
California had been a total nightmare.
Jack was back with a vengeance, bratty kid sister in tow. The ghost they had spent the better part of three days trying to get rid of was gone, but they were both too battered and bruised to celebrate.
There was one bright spot, one light at the end of the tunnel that he looked forward to. Sam couldn’t help but smile when he thought about her, their talks, her dark hair and that adorable laugh.
And there were those eyes. Those surprisingly hypnotizing blue eyes of hers that he just couldn’t get out of his head.
He sighed, biting his lip and pulling the scratchy hotel covers over it. If Sam wasn’t going to hell before, he definitely was now, but for some reason, he couldn’t bring himself to worry for once.
He was meeting Lola again tomorrow and well, just talking to her would be enough to keep him going.
Sam would always keep going to save people like her.