Lesson Learned

May 13, 2007 23:38

Title: Lesson Learned
Fandom: Angel
Characters/Pairings: Fred, Mr. Burkle
Rating: G
Prompt:still_grrr: Music:: (Crazy)
Word Count:100

Her momma called her the cutest kind of crazy when she was a little girl searching for intergalactic wormholes to distant galaxies, waiting around for tornadoes to take her to Oz. Fred supposed that her daddy was the one to blame in the first place.

He had bought her the books with the cheery paper covers. He was the one who read her fairytales in his best gruff Papa Bear voice.

Her daddy had no way of knowing it was all real.

He taught Fred about magical gateways in wardrobes, but he really should have warned her about library books.

drabbles, winifred burkle, still_grrr

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