After the Chill

Apr 11, 2007 16:26

Title: After the Chill
Fandom: Firefly
Characters/Pairings: River
Rating: G
Prompt:still_grrr: Locations (Serenity)
Word Count:100

Serenity was home for her, or as good as any. There was something homey about it’s walls, it’s metallic parts.

They didn’t shine as brightly as the walls in that place.

Things were different there; while you were there you couldn’t, no, you mustn’t touch anything, but then again, why would you have wanted to?

The walls were cold, sterile, like the hospital where her father worked, like the hospital where Simon used to be.

Serenity’s walls were worn, broken in like her favorite pair of Kaylee‘s boots, loved.

Serenity was touchable, and maybe one day, she would be too.

river tam, drabbles, still_grrr

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