Title: Waiting in the Wings
Fandom: Angel
Characters/Pairings:Ballerina/Stephan (poor Summer, her character didn't even get a name Joss definitely made it up to her later, huh?)
Rating: PG
still_grrr: Free for All (minor characters)
Word Count:100
He had been watching her for weeks. He had never seen anyone so beautiful, so graceful as the lead ballerina as she practiced her turns. She was Kurscov’s favorite, and Stephan knew he was treading on thin ice if he wanted to keep his job.
There were rumors that Kurscov was some sort of sorcerer, that he had made some dark deal with the devil himself. Stephan never put much stock into the gossip of others, but if the rumors were true, he couldn‘t blame him.
A girl like that was definitely worth going to the pits of hell for.