The Morning After, or Why Jared Should Never Tell Jensen or Chad Anything

Mar 21, 2007 23:45

Title: The Morning After, or Why Jared Should Never Tell Jensen or Chad Anything
Fandom: RPF
Characters/Pairings: Jared Padalecki, Chad Michael Murray, Jensen Ackles, mentions of Jared/Zooey
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer:Don't own them, but I'm pretty sure they own me.
Note: Sort of a companion piece to Staying In the Know, the boy's turn this time.

The morning after Jared and Zooey’s first night together was nothing short of perfect. Or at least it was perfect until Jared left the sanctuary that was Zooey’s apartment and made his way to Chad’s.

Jensen called when he was halfway there and Jared invited him to come along.

“To Chad 'The Douche Bag' Murray’s? No thanks, man. I think I’ll go schedule some Japanese water torture first.”

“Come on, Jen, haven’t seen you in ages, either of you.”

“If you wanna see me, ditch blondie and we’ll hang. Otherwise I’ll just give Eliza a call.”

“Please, Jen,” Jared begged, using that Sammy voice that he knew worked just as well on Jensen as it did Dean. “You know I can’t ditch Chad, he’s my best friend, just like you’re my best friend.”

“Fine, I’ll be there,” Jensen grumbled. “Just stop being such a fucking girl on me.”

Jared grinned, quickly giving Jensen directions before hanging up triumphantly.

As he made his way up Chad’s driveway, he was promptly pounced on by Ozzie, who seemed to think drooling all over his new shirt was a brilliant idea.

“Fucker,” Jared mumbled before sitting him down on the sidewalk.

“Good dog!” Chad said with a laugh as he made his way outside.

“It’s not funny, Chad!”

“What you get for calling him Nutclopse, man.”

Jared rolled his eyes. “Looks like your dysfunctional dog is missing a sense of humor then too.”

“The Ozster rocks!” Chad protested, rubbing behind his ears. “Just jealous because I like him more than you.”

“But Chad!” Jared pouted, his eyes widened. “I thought loved me best!”

Chad laughed again, pulling him into a hug. “Alright, Brokeback, calm down.”

Jared grinned. “Does this mean I can’t grab your ass?”

“Letting go now!”

Jared smiled as they parted. “Manly men now, I promise.”

“You’re never manly, Padalecki. Come on, man, get your ass inside. I’ll grab you a beer.”

Jared followed behind him, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. “Uh, Chad?”

“Don’t worry man, got you some Rolling Rock. Know you have to be all special.”

“It’s not about that. But thanks though,” he said awkwardly. “It’s about Jensen.”

Chad snorted, looking over his shoulder at him. “What about him?”

“I sorta invited him over.”


“I didn’t think you’d mind!”

“What were you thinking, Jared!? You’re from Texas, know all about manners and shit, should know not to invite people over to someone else’s house.”

“I know,” Jared said, embarrassed. “I don’t know what I was thinking, it’s just I haven’t seen you guys in awhile and-”

“You’re kidding, right? You and pretty boy are attached at the hip nowadays.” Chad tossed Jared a beer from the fridge and a bag of chips before making a face. “Possibly other body parts that I really don’t wanna know about,” he added, popping open his own beer and making a face.

“Jealous, Murray?” Jensen asked with a grin as he walked in the door.

“How the hell did you get in here, Ackles?”

“Door was unlocked, dickwad. Might wanna watch that.”

“Yeah, any old psycho can just walk right on in,” Jared joked.

Jensen’s grin widened as he clapped Jared on the shoulder. “How goes it, Jare? Haven’t seen you in ages.”

“Try a week.”

“Wait, you haven’t been talking to your boyfriend either, Jared!?”

“No, because he’s got himself a girlfriend, moron.” Jensen nudged Jared playfully, following his lead and plopping down on Chad’s sofa. “Am I right or am I right?” Jensen’s playful expression faded as he turned to Chad. “Don’t I get a beer?”


Jared sighed. “Chad, just giving him a fucking beer. No pissing contests tonight, please? I’m in a good mood and you two better not ruin it.”

Chad rolled his eyes before chucking a beer at Jensen and sank down in a chair next to Jared. “Why the good mood? Isn’t that against the rules for you Winchesters? You’re like emo kids with major gland problems and bad facial hair .”

“Ha, ha, very funny,” Jensen mouthed out behind Jared’s back before speaking up. “Does this good mood have anything to do with my girl Zooey?”

Jared gave him a funny look as he sipped his beer. “Since when is she your girl?”

“Since she’s Eliza’s girl.”

Chad’s eyes widened. “Dude, your girl’s a lesbian!? I knew I liked her!”

Jensen sat up like a shot and Jared put a hand on his chest to hold him back. “Jensen…” he said sternly.

“Whatever,” he mumbled.

“Dude, you are Jared’s bitch!”

“Oh that is it, I’m kicking your ass, Murray!”

“Bring it on, Deana.”

“Guys!” Jared yelled. “Can‘t you two ever let anything go?”

“No!” they yelled in unison.

Jared sighed. “Whatever. Guess I’ll just wallow in my Winchester like pity now.” He sniffled. “Woe. Woe is me. My daddy never loved me and I need to get some.”

“You do need to get some,” Jen pointed out.

“And we’re not just talking Sam,” Chad added.

“Well, I wouldn’t exactly say that…” Jared said sheepishly.

“You had sex!?” Jensen exclaimed.

“With a girl!?”

“Shut up, Chad! And well, yeah.”

Jensen grinned, ruffling Jared’s hair. “With Zooey, huh? About damn time.”

Chad snorted. “Seriously. Then again Jared’s part chick anyway, fucker cried during Titanic.”

“So did you!” Jared exclaimed.

“That was for Soph,” Chad explained calmly. “Chicks dig that stuff, was just showing off my acting skills.”

“You mean you actually have those?” Jensen mumbled.

Chad smiled sweetly. “Hey Jen, been meaning to tell you, I just lovedyou in Devour.”

“Bitch.” Jensen cleared his throat turning back to Jared. “Soooo, about the Zooey thing….”

“Yeah, was it good?”


“What? Perfectly reasonable question.”

“Yeah, it was good,” Jared said with a grin.

Jensen smiled. “I do believe I see the trademark Padalecki dimples. It must’ve been.”

“Oh christ, are you in love again?”

“Real nice, Chad.”

“What? I’m curious.”

“I really like her,” Jared admitted. “But it’s different; it’s so different than what Sandy and I had, and that kinda scares me.”

“So what, she’s into S & M or some shit?”

Jensen reached over and smacked Chad upside the head. “You moron! And don’t say that about Zooey, she’s a good girl, unlike your underage sex slave which, is that even legal!?”

“Kenzie is not a-”

“Like I was saying…” Jared said loudly. “It’s different, a good different. I just really like her okay?”

“So if you like her so much, than why are you here and not having another freakfest?”

Jensen’s eyes widened as he looked over at Chad in disgust. “Did you just say freakfest!?”

Jared laughed. “I probably would be but, she’s out with Emily. It’s some kind of sisterly bonding thing, I don’t know.”

“They’re probably talking about you right now, man,” Jensen said.


“Yeah,” Chad chimed in. “God, sisters are the worst ,man. You better pray Emily likes you.”

"Stop fucking around."

"I'm serious, sisters tell each other everything."

Jared tried to ignore the knots that were rapidly forming in his stomach as he rose from the couch and reached for his cell phone. “I’ll be right back. I gotta make a phone call.”

Chad watched him go before looking over at Jensen. “I call dibs on his beer.”

“Alright, but I want his nachos.”

jared padalecki, jensen ackles, jared/zooey, chad michael murray

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